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Everything posted by Princess_Celest

  1. Besides what McNeo said about reinstalling, I don't know how else we can help you.
  2. That's an error with the textures then and I don't know how to fix that.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0qYF7p3z8I&list=FLVGm2M02XfYYyzIEevVxAEw&index=2&feature=plpp_video
  4. Can't wait to see how Aegean cleans them up!
  5. You know you want to pick a song about what you think of me.
  6. Hmmm pretty funny. Now back to crawling them dungeons.
  7. Have a great time in Florida!
  8. No shit. Pardon my crudeness but yeah, this discussion has run it's course.
  9. Even I could read that, and I never took German classes in school!
  10. Because it it's a skill showcase, all the glitches he performed are possible, without using tools but are difficult to pull off. With tools, this is what happens. It's still sick!
  11. Princess_Celest


    Cool! I'd probably only want to use your webspace to store music, some that can no longer be acquired now. Plus my pony pic stash.
  12. This is insane! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I-SNKgyTlU&feature=g-vrec
  13. Goodbye! Good luck wherever you may be and in whatever you do.
  14. I'm not too serious in game. Unless it's WCS servers, and then I get really serious.
  15. Oh, I see now. Welcome to the forums, then!
  16. I was going to say something really intelligent and my mobile's delete key decided to derp out and erase it. So I'll just sum it up and say: you know what they say about the word assume... :D Joking aside, the only way to kill the stereotype that black males are more prone to criminal activity is for a scientific study to be done on prison populations. Follow a random sampling of prisons for say 20 years minimum. The data should be tabulated by race and gender first. Then cross-reference it with offenses committed to discover the truth. I hope that made sense Brian.
  17. Since we are talking about the N-word. Why aren't we also discussing the impact of the word "wigger" or a shortening of the term, white nigger. That is also a demeaning term but no one cares about it.
  18. Welcome to the forums! Enjoy yourself and don't disrespect.
  19. Huh? I don't get the OP here....
  20. Princess_Celest


    Lay off the chili dogs, McNeo!
  21. Thanks for the invite!
  22. Papi, you just made my day!