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Everything posted by Princess_Celest

  1. Aren't we forgetting about the distracting power of the ponies?
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXcieUVLz-I&list=FLVGm2M02XfYYyzIEevVxAEw&index=2
  3. Me at a family Christmas gathering. I'm on the far left in the glasses and long hair. [ATTACH]4360.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Thank you Duckii and JewMad for the welcomes back. It's good to be around again. I missed you guys.
  5. +1, community response is positive and he seems to be a good fit. Princess approved!
  6. Hot Pockets and caffeine.... Mmm
  7. Princess_Celest


    YOLO Brony translation: "You obviously love Octavia."
  8. I live in Iowa and the computer I have is a shared machine so I don't think I'd be able to make it. But a lot can change in a few months.
  9. Hey McNeo! I'm back!
  10. I like this idea. I have a legitimate excuse for not seeing the discussion for it one month ago. I was still in Louisiana/settling in back home in Iowa.
  11. Best of luck to you, Neo. Wherever you may be, remember this community fondly.
  12. My profile picture is of Silverbolt, my pegasus OC drawn by my friend Desolo Zantas. Thank you all who replied to this.
  13. Sorry I disappeared on you guys for a while. I moved down to Louisiana and didn't have a decent pc. Now I'm back in Iowa and able to hang around with you guys again. I'll be getting TS reinstalled soon so keep an eye out for me. Ok?
  14. Here is what I received for art on my birthday as a very pleasant and awesome surprise! By my friend Davroth By my friend Angie Cakes, TheBlueprintForLife on DeviantArt By my friend Kryptchild
  15. Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday, didn't go drinking because I got started on packing my shit up so I can move to Louisiana and be with my boy Mike Rousseau and then get drunk with his dad and watch anime or something lol I did get artwork from a few friends for my birthday that I had not been expecting at all!
  16. Thank you! It's fine Duckii, Jr., I'm moving out soon and gonna be in Louisiana!
  17. Yeah, I hit the big 21 today... Don't really have anything planned but what should I drink first? Bear in mind, I don't have a lot of money right now and I plan on flying down to Louisiana in the near future to be with my significant other. So, what do? Instant CSI : Yeaaaaaaaa!
  18. Been busy with stuff, like Generations and a relationship with another guy to this? Duckii Jr., I am gonna miss you.... Worst birthday ever!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=mnUbXOeJaKI;list=FLVGm2M02XfYYyzIEevVxAEw
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=hs8jLJglWZw;list=FLVGm2M02XfYYyzIEevVxAEw