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Everything posted by GoatFace

  1. Suggest songs for me to have on hldj ready to play so you guys dont get disapointed, put it in this format Author: Song: Length:
  2. GoatFace


    +1 6 months is a long time without a community to play with, i talk to him on teamspeak alot and play minecraft with him hes a nice guy , but seriously who hasnt used material wallhacks before? when i first got the game on a old old acount i used it on some ch server, then i realised, theres really no need to hack the game is easy enough, go play 1.6 then css , if you say css is hard you need to uninstall, i think this was about a year to 2 ago.
  3. @@Teezar you still haven linked it correctly but all i need is the id from the post i going to take a look now. also you dont need a 750w for a 95w cpu and a single gfx card , i sugest that you shouldve goten 650 to 700 as a 60 buck suply but i know you are alrdy building and ordered. card is a good choice, i cant trop that i dont have pateince to save,and have to wait a year to get a job so , yeah.
  4. @@Teezar post your buiild let me point out the flaws. and i am dual motherboarding the computer, two mother boards 1 case, becuase i already have a intel board with a i5 quad my cousin gave me, so if my amd cpu somehow fails, witch is unlikely becuase im using a dualcore i3 witch when playing skyrim cpu usage is at 10 percent and is as 30%c im fine with a amd quad thats faster. and idles at 35%c , so all i have to do if amd fails is switch ram gfx card, and a few cabbles. if you get a i7 your just plain stupid its not needed. not like your making a server pc.
  5. @@Teezar this card can run bf3 on ultra and max you dont need anything more then that @@MineCrack , the card is if you dont wana drop the amount of money. Also the fact small case, low profile card, if i chose another case i coul drop for a 550ti fermi, but see here im not going to try to have an amazing computer , any game that requires more then bf3 is not nececary.
  6. Newegg.com - Once You Know, You Newegg Im making a new computer to game with , this should handle anything i throw at it and its 450 and sugestions would be nice if i dont have it thought out already , and if you have sugestions make it so i dont go over 500. @@Teezar cheaper then yours and can handle what ever you can.
  7. -1 doesnt sound 16(could be lieing im not sure) ive seen him freekill a bit, something someone new to jailbreak would do, and only seen him on once. M:6/10 A:2/10
  8. +1 he knows the rules hasnt made a mistake to what ive seen M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  9. @@Chrono well i couldnt really type and make it sound like a joke but if i said it you'd understand. also during your fit about Docter you also started to make up things as well as you are now, i made the joke about the slicing dick thing , and saying he was racist. you just love to make up bullshit, my mother does that shit all the time, i dont need it from someone online.
  10. @@kiwishuriken5 dafuq you on, we were playing league then i had to go, i just met DMT did not ask for DMT's ip duke was there and i like brian. Now your just making up things sir, i also like you , your fun to play with.
  11. Sorry if you took me seriously, jihad thing was a joke for jihad 2012 , impersonating was in teamspeak they said when i come on to change it, and chrono i wish i took a screen shot of your name change last week , impersonating a shit ton, Minecrack you are one to speak about imaturity , when you were asked to play minecraft with us and you came on, the racist slurs thrown , all the discrimnating terms said and whatnot. EDIT: Chrono i also notice that you changed my wording also how creative of you.
  12. Graphics are everything, can you turn a xbox into a super computer.
  13. http://www.gamespot.com/features/xbox-360-vs-ps3-graphics-comparison-round-5-6242816/ there you go.
  14. chose your side ps3 or xbox, i chose ps3 ,1 made for media,2 has a 9 core proceser vs xbox's dual core shit, better graphics, can wipe the hardrive put windows 7 on it then hook usb mouse and keyboard and you got yourself a computer that can run bf3 on ultra! lol. im soon to do it.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqjKOL0N8ks
  16. Ok ill make any low end sprays just give me a backround , your favorite game and what it should say. Backround: [img/] image link
  17. Hey can you posible redo mine , or make a new more graphical one?
  18. Duckii i know exactly how you feel , my dad was a acholic when ever i actuly saw him , hed beat the shit out of me, then i turned 10 and realised i can beat the shit out of him, i thru him to the floor told him the SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! after him coming home and telling me to wake up and take food out the fucking fridge for him. duckii if u cant try your dad just listen and things will be ok, they tell you to do something do it, even if it doesnt make sense.
  19. Heyre there my name is trinity im a furry , enjoy the community and what not so hit me up on steam by adding me just search GoatFaceKiller - Trinity
  20. nice of you to step down, i do agree with you about being less a dick and anoying, but when ppl say it , just let that shit flush down the toliet. like how mohamad does.