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Everything posted by tree

  1. tree approved thread here quality with variety
  2. +1 acitve 7 mature 7 from what iv\'ve seen cowboy's a regular, decent css jb guy idk anythign bout those ddos threats thou, ur gona get permed from the whole community if u even threaten that shit its happnd
  3. my man onward play the dirtiest rap out there u can find, never stop playing until; you get kickd from server gg
  4. step one collect underpants step three profit
  5. @vintage boys and @@Starbuck get back here, xG csgo is ur baby and it needs u mang
  6. csgo nade rules are butt fuck backwards this is how it's treated in xG jailbreak css let the cts throw nades, if it interferes(smoke/flash) or harms a prisoner(HE/Fire) they get fucking slayd or ct ban
  7. peace neo hard as fuck be good man
  8. peace sneekz keep it real i know u will
  9. tree


    BANGBANG MOTHAFUCKAS one of the realist peace akio bangbang
  10. tree


    complete disrespect ? +1 just stfu sometimes and all these people wouldnt be on your dick member / PM abuse?+1 (this includes the freekills, abuse of powers, etc) idk if he's scared to let ppl know he fucked up or believes they werent fuck ups. man freeslayed me 3 times for complete bullshit ican recall non members posting on thread recruited on mic in csgo jb?+1 ahahahah some still <3 ya in jbreak @agh u were not this guy kick outa xG? -1 dont kick line outa xG he's not a complete piece of shit ...kinda 50/50 on the thread
  11. this way i've played previous orders are null after new order unless 1. something was said other wise, or 2. restricted(like jumping or facing away from cells/ mic over warden) or 3. past trap/tarp time
  12. tree


    theres a trend here forming
  13. gg, i remember the player SOILED IT on cssjb and he was a decent guy when i seent em on idk bout the csgo shit, but the player Deh Law is decent from when i seent
  14. tree


    ERNIE alrdy doin competive , he didnt post here but i talk to em bout csgo
  15. i'd say tarp and homo of a warden to use it, giving ct's an order meant for the t's... how not a tarp but w/e
  16. tree

    Hydro Unbanned

    +1 probably deserved ban but idk unban him thou ppl screw up
  17. +1 from when im on css jb decent player idk bout ne freekills active ts3, etc
  18. +1 good player on cssjb for a while now
  19. LoooOL decent player when ive seen em on but rofl
  20. dam matsi i feel ya on this but dont leave us :/