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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by tree

  1. peace yu, miss playin jb w ya
  2. +tree, counts one two tree bluntman :D
  3. +1 active ts3 , cs go motd follower , mature
  4. do a nade toss for LR probably been brought up b4! but yeh it'd be cool
  5. +1 ya fullbring as mod on ttt could use another with the shinanigans ther
  6. +1 mature player knows motd friendly guy
  7. tree


    yo move this thread if necessary Yay xG dayz server :smilet-digitalpoint:smilet-digitalpoint:smilet-digitalpoint:smilet-digitalpoint I've been rocking dayZ for a bit , was there with a few others when silence made ts3 channels because we stinkin up generalrooms so who's gonna run it for xG, FFS yo it's gotta be some1 with a level head . that's reason why I post is here. i've teamed up with many and here's a few names who i've actually played with and are by my observation mature / more than rest ... and haven't performed faggotry in my sight on any level , (ie fit job description for admin) not trying to say these guys are better equipped/talented at game (?lol), but just from personal observation are mature,respectful, etc admin materiial Death God(bigblack), JIHAD, sinlyXD, didn't put myself on the list , ask what ^ they think consider these folk, i may have missed a player don't hate for it just a thought