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Everything posted by Hellafun13

  1. I come back from inactivity and lee takes my spot wtf.
  2. I was active for a while after fixing my computer, than gone for 2 weeks for a job that required 14+ hours a day that's fucking cool thx.
  3. +1 active on surf seems to be a down to earth guy.A+
  4. He stated he was going to donate as well, can't wait to see if that comes through.
  5. It was intentional and I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but like he said he hasn't been active for very long. I would give it a week of seeing him online then unban. +/- 1
  6. https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.escobar.50?fref=ts
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hellafun13


      what are u talking about
    3. DeathGod


      ah i dont know im pretty drunk
    4. Hellafun13


      why did u ask for her name?
  7. It was definitely intentional ran up to a group of T's not rebelling and sprayed and prayed @@Forest
  8. Im looking for someone to hack a friends facebook to scare the crap out of her lol.
  9. Alright well I don't remember perming someone recently except for one person. This person free killed either 2-3 people and in the process was slain. "Then kicked by an unknown mods name I don't remember" me thinking he left trying to avoid punishment I permed him. Mod comes forward saying he kicked him which shouldn't have happened. I told the mod to tell a higher up to unban him and then CT ban him instead. IF this is that guy then there ya go. Im gonna go lie down ba bye.
  10. I just came back from cleaning my dead uncles apartment that reeked of his decomposing for a week, and we only scratched maybe 3%, found a vintage Transformer still in box though. @@Forest anything?
  11. Holy fuck stay on the fact that this is about the abuse I did apparently, I asked multiple admins and mods before I did this cant remember names but I did, it was mixed reviews on the answer so I went to 2 DM's 1 didn't answer and 1 did. So yay @@John actually for actually answering a question. So with the 50/50 with admins and mods the DM put it over. I apologize for my actions but I only did it if people wanted it to happen. So if @@Forest what happens next I will agree to it, do not put at all any blame on @@John.
  12. Oh and that pic of me doing it 3 times was just seeing if it gave dead people cash which it didn't reason being doing it seconds later cause there was a new round.
  13. I asked Gkoo he didn't respond and I asked John and he agreed that if I do a !vote and if people say yes which there was probably only 1 or 2 people saying no that I would be able to do !cash @all that's all I have to say.
  14. Gonna be going on a cruise this week so I will not be active what so ever. Peace and love, and its great to because kids wont be on the ship since school starts tomorrow :). Bye bye.
  15. What is GOING ON I don't want depression :)
  16. +1 Constantly trolling on the server and just a flat out nuisance to the community.
  17. +1 He is very active, doesn't troll which is always welcomed, and knows the rules. A:8/10 M:8/10
  18. @@PiNoYPsYcHo I have spec'ed you you fat and bad kid.
  19. I know you would have a good team if I joined it But im in @@JayBreezy and I thought it was a random drawing so @@mtown81 gg.
  20. steam ID : 0:1:52424603 Congratz to my pinecone friend. :D