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Posts posted by Hellafun13

  1. First of all I wasn't saying he disrespected in the thread he disrespects the majority of the time in game. And when things go his way of slays he picks that "mod+ as the person doing his job." And the second something doesn't go his way he immediately disrespects the admin and rages on for another 30 mins disrespecting then getting mad and posting abuse threads and or just rage threads. And no I wasn't disrespecting his job what so ever. In fact I admire nurse's for all the things they have done for me while I have been in the ER plently of times for football and sports related injuries" and during my resting period. But the short temper Chuck Noris displays doesn't reflect that of any nurse I have ever seen. Either way his attitude has to change. I mean chuck was a good guy and was a fun guy to be around when I had him as a friend and when he was active before but since he has came back he has been a change Chuck which I was really sad to see. @@TheKingBaby


    First, I'm not a kid, and if you're calling me that you better get off your ass, get a job, and do something with your life. Second, you freeslayed me, just admit it, you were tabbed out and you came at the last second, not seeing that I said I was rebel hunting. 2 people above me said you tab out A LOT. I love most of the staff, but some actually don't do their job (go figure, right?). You usually do, but when you do it wrong you're too proud to admit you made a mistake.

    By chuck Norris.

  2. First of all I absolutely did not spam for warden that is something put in just because chuck has a temperament problem with me defending other admins from his disrespect.

    So for one I ddint spam for warden I got it fair and square.

    And the other there has to be 1 mic on ct for every 4 t's Shadow Mega Row and Ganga And mega recently doesn't use his mic very often when on CT.

    so 3.5:20 do the math.

    And I also did something special that day which everyone seem to have loved and didn't complain with me getting warden "fairly."

    Have a nice day and keep away from disrespecting everyone that you don't like chuck that's not a very good nurse of you.

  3. @SerbianJr, I don't play solo ranked because of getting stuck with people that I shouldn't be playing with and cant take shit seriously. Im looking for people who can take it seriously, and make up a good ranked team. Instead of a auto lock fag who cries about not getting there role.

  4. First of all there's already a post tat says Cristo is to much of a pussy to be the rebel leader.

    And we were on Minigames and he couldn't even get shit done for his team "with guns".

    So how can he lead a rebellion with t's without guns.

    @@Cristo is a fucing pussy.

  5. I am looking for a couple people who play League Of Legends "LOL" to put together a serious 3's team and 5's team. Of course you must be good and all :). So plz post your League Screen name if you are interested and the Role you play best.

  6. Cristo has been relinquished of the T leadership Crown. And is no longer allowed to say Fuck Da Police, since whenever he says it he dies. And by saying Fuck Da Police when he is the Police. I would love to have everyone's support on this.


    Peace and Love. HellaHug.

  7. @@Warriorsfury dude wtf it dosn't matter how fucking far away you are from a vent if you have a scope closed in on it then you are camping it. Please learn what fucking camping is. THEN come tell us whats camping or not