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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. I'd like one of these, don't really care which one though.
  2. I'm currently using the swag-tastic Logitech H390's. I know, you're all incredibly jealous.
  3. +1 for 2 and 3 (JB) as well. Both look pretty unique and overall really cool, #2 especially. We could certainly use some new maps on the server to hopefully replace the ones that are never played.
  4. Sounds pretty cool. This would help to go along with the Halloween theme that we seem to be showing now (Screamers only being 250 credits, a supposed surprise coming next week).
  5. +1. I'd like to see this happen, but I think it'd be very difficult to pull off. The main thing for me about this is what Gkoo was saying. I like the idea of making it a little easier for T's to rebel, while at the same time making some overall better Ct's. Plus on certain maps it can be very difficult to rebel at all, and I think this would help that out.
  6. +1. Tons of fun to play with, is incredibly active, and probably recites the motd every morning. Never seen him break a rule ever.
  7. +1. Very active, knows motd and is a good warden. He's a funny guy and I'd think he'd be a good addition to the xG community. Hope to see you in xG soon man!
  8. Yeah I agree with what Ganja is saying. This would probably help out some of the players that enjoy going prisoner, but aren't great at rebelling (aka me). Personally I think that this would be a pretty good improvement to the server overall. Plus with the fact that they're pretty expensive would mean that their possible power wouldn't be abused to the point of them being overpowered or unfair.
  9. Birdemic. Best. Movie. Ever. (though I don't actually know if it's on Netflix or not as I stopped paying for Netflix about 1 year ago)
  10. [ATTACH]3793.vB[/ATTACH] I know, I'm one sexy SOB.
  11. I swear I'm scarred for life now ever since you told me to go to lemonparty.com. Biggest mistake of my life.
  12. +1. He's on a pretty good amount of time, and is a good warden and overall ct. Knows the MOTD well. Never seen him disrespect or break any rules that I can remember.
  13. +1. Get this guy in xG now. Anyways Chuck is a pretty awesome guy. Never have seen him break any rules and is a lot of fun to play with. He's on the jailbreak server a lot and is....mature? Hope to see you on xG soon babe.
  14. +1. He's a pretty cool dude. While at first I had some problems with him he has gotten much more mature and is pretty fun to play with. Also knows the MOTD well. Hope to see him in xG.
  15. Just an update but my school year has just started (today actually), and my activity may go down a little bit. However on weekends, breaks, and after school I will try to get on as much as possible.
  16. [ATTACH]3436.vB[/ATTACH] Thanks for the support guys! Just a couple more to go!
  17. what can you do with mine (diabeetus)?
  18. thanks a lot to all of you so far for the +1's. I hope that I can get some more soon.
  19. Hey there I'm Diabeetus. While I'm not the best at the game I'm good with the Famas. Hand me one of those and prisoners won't be going anywhere. Lastly, I'm pretty diligent about the rules.