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Posts posted by Eden

  1. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Its summer time and im starting to get back into xG JB more, seeing that there aren't many people on JB that much. We may aswell get one of the best wardens in JB back. So I Mass freekilled blah blah blah. Alot of people know the story, if you dont just add me on steam or pm on the forums.

  2. How about instead of daddio paying for it we all donate like 10$ each to get the div going. That way daddio doesnt spend his whole allowance on a server.

  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO echo as much as i think u hate me lol. you were awesome and u told me alot of shit that u werent supposed to even tho i think u were to high to realize it. have a great time and come visit on jb and ts some time :D

  4. Im gunna put my 2 cents in here. I realize what I did was childish, I will not be playing as much in the summer as I did in the winter. Since I hardly play CT anyways I thought what the hell why not. Plus being ct banned pushes me away from xG cause I did something bad. I dont wanna sit inside all day and play Jailbreak or DarkRp for a day. Personally im gunna +1 this idea, cause in the future there are gunna be more mass freekillings. Well atleast I hope there wont be, but I like @@Forest's idea of they know what they are doing is gunna get you in trouble anyways so I think there should be a larger punishment. I do think that a perm from the server is a little overboard. @darkwolf said that a probabtion from their membership for 2 weeks, I like this idea. Maybe go back to the old rule, three strikes your out. Do it three times or how ever many times you wish, they are permed or revoked of their membership. That is all I have to say, hope this helped you guys in some way.


    -Thanks Eden

  5. Division:

    Garry's Mod

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:




    Further Information:

    Active and I have lots of fun on darkrp etc. Try to do my best to follow rules and motd.


    ~Thanks Eden

  6. I think the perma CT ban and a "one more mess up and you get a demotion" would work better

    This right here is what we need. +1 lol even tho I did it, I kinda had a reason. (Not saying its valid cause I know its not)