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Everything posted by lEcho

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz8EDvU7pJc
  2. I agree this is the last thing a member not a CL or DM should be doing, and I think if someone does it just to be cool they dont deserve to be in xG also should get banned from the server for some time for being a dumbfuck +1
  3. We cant do anything if we didn't see it and when I did see someone do it I slayed them also we slay ourselves if we do gg
  4. lEcho

    Would you rather...

    purp weed rolled in purp hash
  5. then idk what the problem is unless the file is too big
  6. Never seen you on and dont know who you are at all so be more active on the servers and TS and I might change my vote but yea for now -1
  7. what type of file format is it saved as?
  8. check the dimensions of it, if they are bigger than 256x256 it wont import or if its not saved as the right format
  9. adding new SKILL maps are pointless when it is on a RPG server
  10. why the fuck would we need skill surf maps on a rpg server? everyone will just longjump around the beat them like nothing
  11. He is teleport camping and any non autistic player would be able to hit a T trying to rebel by going through vent from that far and where he is so it should be considered vent camping and if not then he is teleport camping which is the same. gg
  12. why would they start developing and make a working prototype if they wouldn't be able to produce it?
  13. This shit is crazy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX3cXYBtSLw
  14. then why are you so mad if you don't give a shit? jw..
  15. dude calm your tits we didn't even finish it yet lol you guys can still play next weekend with everyone else.
  16. +1 lags the fuck out of the server when everyone spams it and why the fuck was this put in before anything like warden plugin?
  17. PurpGang vs. African Parade African Parade Won 2-0 (scrim) Shadow Fags vs. TAWP Shadow Fags Won 2-0 (scrim) Shadow Fags vs. African Parade African Parade Won 2-0 (scrim) PurpGang vs. TAWP PurpGang Winning 1-0 (Finishing next weekend)
  18. Ok everyone this is the bracket for tonight and will be used for every game type we play. Once you finish your match please post who won the match and how many rounds each time won. For example: PurpGang vs. African Parade Purpgang win 4-2. Matches: Scrim (normal rounds) Awp (Best of 6) Surf (Best of 6) GunGame (Best of 6) PLEASE DON'T ASK QUESTIONS OR POST RANDOM SHIT IN THIS THREAD. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS CONTACT ME VIA STEAM OR POST IN THIS THREAD. THANK YOU
  19. I didnt even kick or ban you bad kid stop crying it's 60 minutes
  20. lEcho


    that was the idea*
  21. lEcho


    @@Gkoo you owe $10 faggot where that smoke room at :cigar: :cigar: :cigar: :cigar: :cigar:
  22. If I can keep my powers I'll play more :cigar: