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  1. Informative
    kbraszzz reacted to Vector in Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board)   
    Lol after i told you to wait a little while you completely ignore me and what you forget to mention about your constant suicide threats on our server and to our members @BonfireCentipede. and no the poll was yes or no and people voted and it finished with i believe 14 yes and 6 nos (don't count on me for it). This kid has been a pain since day one, with having xG in his name after i told him multiple times to change it, and his porn spray which i had to tell him multiple times to change. after i banned him for that offense (i believe it was for 1 day) he went onto other servers with the name FUCK xG and shit posted about us on other servers @BonfireCentipede was the one who he was venting to, and had the name and everything. Another person he went all depressed on was @Maymalays. I remember one night i come onto the server, because @Huster_Salvador told me someone was threatening suicide. Sure enough it was Zun (this was on Mario Kart) i gave him a clear warning that if he did this again, that he would be severely punished because of our history with people threatning suicide. Zun is an attention seaking child who throws a fit when things don't go his way, he actually insulted another player named Kitsune because he wouldn't talk to him because she and i were having a conversation, he then proceeds to verbally assault her and leaves the server (thankfully he apoloigised for that.) not back to the suicide thing, so after the ban for the nude spray and everything he begins crying to bonfire about suicide and how he was going to kill himself and that "don't be surprised if i don't come back to the computer" and shit like "i'll give you all of my items because i don't need them where i am going" i am sick and tired of baby sitting him and having him abuse the people on our server, now was i harsh on him? you're damn fucking right i was, it's the internet, and don't take shit out on us with this server. i am absolutely disgusted with you Zun and i TRIED helping you by saying, give your self a few months to cool down but clearly you did not. Not if you guys want to believe me or not i don't really care, but ever since he got incredibly depressed it's been not stop threats and depression.
  2. Informative
    kbraszzz reacted to MuffinMonster in Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board)   
    Proof? You have a history of bans before hand.
  3. Winner
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Kypari   
    Come back in 2 weeks and when you are in no other clan.
  4. Agree
    kbraszzz reacted to Moosty in Moosty   
    come on the server right now! and come objectively. we're all having a good time right now.
  5. Disagree
    kbraszzz got a reaction from QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    The offender's ban has been lowered but he will be permanently banned from CT.
  6. Like
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Goblin in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    The offender's ban has been lowered but he will be permanently banned from CT.
  7. Like
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Gwoash in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    The offender's ban has been lowered but he will be permanently banned from CT.
  8. Like
    kbraszzz got a reaction from DCook in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    The offender's ban has been lowered but he will be permanently banned from CT.
  9. F!$k Off
    kbraszzz reacted to Barmithian in New Gamemode   
    Since end of line should be coming out eventually (lel), and I am bored, I was wondering what kind of new game mode will be introduced/ what you guys would want. Honestly I would want a story mode with single player/ co-op. You would fight against computer controlled enemies, of course.
  10. Informative
    kbraszzz reacted to Goblin in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Penurs who show no pitty in murdering another man should be put out of their steaming pantload.
    -gub :troll:
  11. Creative
    kbraszzz reacted to Marceline in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    .-. Guys
  12. Informative
    kbraszzz reacted to Goblin in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    ya still gotta slay yourself if you freekill someone mang.
  13. Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to AdamStoe98 in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    I did not expect a perma ban tho. I will admit. but still. you and your friends have caused so many problems. When i trie to votekick/voteban, you get everyone on your side and everyone plays by "your rules". That just does not work here. Go do that shit somewhere else.
  14. Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to John_Madden in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    I have warned you and your friends to stop trying to loophole and being disrespectful to staff and other xG members, stop using inappropriate language, and to stop being assholes. This hopefully is a wake up call for them. I will recommend that op be unbanned after 3 months but permanently be banned from being on CT after being unbanned.
  15. Disagree
    kbraszzz reacted to QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Since you have no proof that I freekilled/freeshot then why I am banned in the first place? It is the reason why I am here and not playing with adam :)
  16. Disagree
    kbraszzz reacted to QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    JohnMadden your Majesty, you obviously have it out for me for some reason. I have been nice to you ever since that whole Pokemon/knifepit "argument"
  17. Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to John_Madden in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    I still don't want you unbanned because of the sh!t you and your friends constantly pulled off and you had this coming.
  18. Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to John_Madden in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Please don't start a flame war. The sorry bastard of op can't help himself.
  19. Disagree
    kbraszzz reacted to QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    See what WE can do
  20. Not Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to Gwoash in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    ughh, fully read his story please unless youre implying that hes lied about the entire thing
    his story does seem likely and i do agree with him that there is a lacking of evidence especially for a perma ban
  21. Not Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    Adam you have 0 proof that I did any of that.
  22. Agree
    kbraszzz reacted to Gwoash in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   
    oh god.. this wall of text though
  23. Not Funny
    kbraszzz reacted to QwertyAblah in Qwertyablah - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    QwertyDillmanAblah (Origins) Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: |TTM.|QwertyDillmanAblah Information:

    So apparently I was mysteriously banned. Let me tell the upsetting tale. I go on TF2 and join the xg jailbreak server like it is another normal day in the life of Ablah. I find myself startled at a very provocative message "You are banned". So I'm thinking to myself Lindsay Lohan must be on the news. After several hours of grief I decide to take this into my own hands and check the xenogamers.com/forums/. I find that an individual by the name of AdamStoe has sent in a ban request. God knows why right? I am baffled at the false accusations that he has sadly labeled me as. I will start with the VERY weak evidence that the Plaintiff has shoved in your faces. TF2 Jailbreak rules Blue Team: "If the warden does not give a command for 1m 30s anytime during the day, it will be a freeday. If nothing is called before 6:45 and the cells are not open, it's a freeday" It was 7:04 when that screenshot was taken. I simply called an "out of cell rebel 1 pardon" and that spi came sprinting out. My good and trusted friend quickly slammed those cell doors closed to keep from any more casualties. We tried reasoning with that spi, but eventually I called it a freeday. The admin by the name of Kbraszzle has banned me for a reason I am still trying to comprehend. It says I am banned for "Freekilling" I'd like to say that this is very unprofessional, but there is no proof that I freekilled anyone. I'll admit that I do maybe from time to time once in a blue moon accidentally freekill someone. If an order was unclear I get blamed for freekilling and I don't feel I should "slay" myself because of a misled order from the Warden. I don't think I should be permanently banned. Also if it is just for freekilling why not just CT ban me? TF2 Jailbreak rules "Do not freekill. Freekilling is the act of killing a player even when they were following the warden's orders or were killed for no reason at all. Freekilling is not allowed. Freekilling three or more reds at the same general time is Freekilling is the act of killing a player even when they were following the warden's orders or were killed for no reason at all. Freekilling is not allowed. Freekilling three or more reds at the same general time is Mass Freekilling and will result in a permanent CT ban, (or if you leave, a permanent server ban from all XenoGamers servers). You MUST see the person rebel to be able to kill them." I have NEVER left the server afterfreekilling. Unless your favoritism rule is flexible. This is unprofessional, and there here is no proof that I freekilled anyone. I'll admit that I do maybe from time to time once in a blue moon accidentally freekill someone. If an order was unclear I get blamed for freekilling and I don't feel I should "slay" myself because of a misled order from the Warden. I don't think I should be permanently banned. I have been on this server since July of last year, and would hate to see it go. I would have of done this as a public speech if I was given the choice to show you all how much this server and you guys mean to me. I'd personally like to thank JohnMadden (Origins) for his hard work. Whenever there is a dispute hes the knight and shinning armor to save the day. Checking the logs and making things fair, so that we all play equally. It's about time I wrap this up and send this to ban appeals. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.
  24. Friendly
    kbraszzz got a reaction from Insane in Banginonatrashcan - Team Fortress 2   
    User is no longer team banned.
  25. Sad
    kbraszzz got a reaction from John_Madden in Josh27568   
    Need to be at least 14 to join.