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Everything posted by Coodie

  1. "CROUCHING DURING SIMON SAYS IS A PERMANENT ORDER." OK, so the other day we were playing in Alpha, doing some fun exciting Simon Says. So as Simon, I said "Simon says crouch". Then "Simon says get on top of the metal cage." I don't remember who it was, but I know it was a mod, they stood up and climbed the cage and remained standing. Then we had a fun discussion with him about standing up, but he was adamant that "get on top of the metal cage" was good enough to cancel the crouch order. We all were not, so he was shot and killed.....he then slayed the guy who shot him... I think we were right to shoot him. Were we not? It's not a huge deal. I just want clarification for the future. Thanks!
  2. -1 to removing Lego. It get frustrating at times but it's definitely manageable as warden.
  3. That would be sweet when a T is out rebelling, if you could just run to a cell and knife the air, and they would die!
  4. Coodie


    Hi, Hai, High, Jai, Ji
  5. I think it's high time that you get another Moderator. And who better than Coodie? I say no one! I know the rules very well, have read and am very familiar with the Admin Handbook and the MOTD. I'm usually running the Jailbreak CSGO server with my mad wardening skills. I have moderated many servers in the past, from Unreal Tournament (UT99), all the way through Counter Strike Source. I can be fair, and cool headed. What more would you like to know?
  6. First one is about AFK freeze and having crouch on toggle. Rule says "AFK Freeze*: During an AFK freeze you may only type and talk. Using flashlights, spraying sprays, knifing, and moving in any other way is NOT AFK frozen." It says nothing about having to stand. I think this should be added cause I'm pretty sure pretty much everyone will shoot you for doing it, but according to the rules, there's nothing wrong with it. Second is....crap......I forgot my second question.......give me a minute........wait for it.......crap....oh yeah. Flashlight binding. Some people have their talk key bound to F, and don't know how to rebind the flashlight elsewhere. If I do a game where I make everyone turn on their flashlight, what do we do about people who cannot? I don't see much in rules about flashlight except in the AFK section. Thanks guys!
  7. Personally, even tho they're frustrating, bombs are a great part of the game, and if T's can get them earlier, and waste them quicker, it'll make later rounds more fun ;) But I also like the idea, cause it's no fair to T's that are playing and earning money the normal way.
  8. I like the map! Got to play it on lunch today. Others didn't seem to like it, I don't know why. There is plenty to do in it. Other than the spawn point, I think its an 8/10!
  9. Can warden well, respectful, mature, knows rules, fun to play with, has my +1 as well
  10. I was just thinking the same thing @@QuangTang!
  11. Sorry, I didn't know humor wasn't allowed in the moderator voting forum. I think Ebic would be a great moderator. I talk to him outside of the game as well as in and he would be a great moderator. Certainly better than some others, tho I won't name names. He has the ability to handle different situations and deal with things. And is on the server quite often, providing a good presence when needed.
  12. Agree. Tree seemed to be on a power-trip today. And why doesn't he wear tags? I thought we all had to wear them at all times in the server.
  13. Coodie


    What's this reputation number in the sidebar by my avatar there? How do I get some rep?
  14. OK, fine. +1 for Ebic. Just because I love when he uses the "like a zamboni, f you bic", it's so funny. And always has music to play for Pokemon battles. Knows the rules, and follows them.
  15. +1 whenever the time restriction is lifted.
  16. +1 , Why: He always follows the rules and always seems to kill me. 10/10 Maturity: 10/10 , mature enough to shoot a gun Activity: 10/10 , he's always there. I can't seem to shake him.
  17. Don't let Shen fool you, he does love me.
  18. BUMP, come on now people! You love me, I know you do!
  19. BUMP. OK, I've been here a while now. I'm wardening successfully and everything (tho I have a shitty mic). Please take a look at my app. Thank you!
  20. How many +1's do I need? Let's go people! Vote for me!
  21. Hey guys, would love to represent xG in game, possibly in the near future I can even help admin the server. I've admin'd other servers in the past. Been gaming since UT99, the best version of Unreal Tournament. Let me know what I need to do to get in. Thanks!
  22. A couple cons I have for the rules. There should be a section that clearly defines what a rebel is. Too many people don't know, and aren't sure if they are allowed to kill a T for certain things (especially on free day), and when the server is full and everyone is talking over warden, it's impossible to get a question answered. For Vents, that section doesn't say whether a CT can actively pursue a T that they actually see go into a vent. Must a CT ask for permission from Warden to pursue in that case? Also, I don't see it in the rules, yet some T's seem to play the "he didn't say by when" card when the warden has given the "out of your cell, face your cell, and afk freeze." Here's what the rules say "Any order given from a Warden must be done as soon as he says it (unless stated otherwise). No Detour/Delay is implied." So, they shouldn't need a "by this time" order. Is that correct? If not, an amendment to the rules should be made for that.
  23. Hey guys! Just signed up on the forums, wanted to say hi. I'm ¤®¤ÇooÐie in game. Just started Jailbreak 2 weeks ago, and am addicted! I spent 6 hours on the server on Saturday, felt like 20 mins. =) I've been studying the rules and am doing my best to follow them. See you in game!