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Posts posted by SonicRainbow

  1. +0 I havn't seen you playing yet. You should get to know more of the members before applying or no one will +1 you because no one knows you. A good way to get noticed is to get on our teamspeak server! voice.xenogamers.com is the channel name. Pop on and talk to staff and members. Hope to see you around more and if your activity is much better, I will gladly change to a +1



  2. Hey, I'm back from my week off. I'm not gonna be active much still because I am making a Minecraft Adventure Map, and I'm also trying to reconnect with old friends. I'll pop in every so and so but if my inactivity comes to a very low chance of coming on and help out on moderating the server, let me know and I'll rearrange some time to come play more. Just wanna say thanks to everyone and I had a great time on my week off. Also, @@Gkoo stop picking your nose, its gross

  3. I'm going to be at a +0 for now. I have only seen you since the past two weeks. I think you need to be a little bit more active and let the other members and staff get to know you better? A great solution is teamspeak! Teamspeak is a program to talk to people like skype without the video chat. To access Teamspeak you need to google it, first, download it, and use the channel of voice.xenogamers.com. Let people know you and tell jokes to let people laugh so they know you are a good friend to have in xG. Server wise I havn't seen you break a rule yet. However I find your spray rather funny. In xenoGamers we are looking for people to be a person we can rely on, we look for people who can make others laugh while still playing a fun game to enjoy. All I think you need to do is one, Get on teamspeak. Two, Keep playing on our servers. Three, Talk to xG Members and staff. Talk a little bit more on your mic to get your voice heard, be a ct more and be warden is probably a fastest way to get known by other people. The way you warden will depend on how people will like you. If you do map games, more likely people will like you however if you do Fr/Lr, No balls, Simon Says, People will think you're a boring warden with no creativity.


    TL;DR- Get on teamspeak, Play on servers more, Be warden more, and just talk to other members, Keep the rules in your head and just keep your chin up.

    A:6 (Teamspeak)

    M:6 (Use Mic More)


    However I will be glad to change to a +1 if you improve these things

  4. Back in the day was in xG. Always one of those guys you could just talk with and laugh your ass off. Always there for someone if needed. Knows the rules definitely and has big boobs. What I am trying to say is that he's very active and always there for you. He's a good ct and a wonderful rebeler..especially when I am warden..(Bitch) I can't even think of a reason to not let this guy back in. Helps admins and mods out if theres a rule breaker and just a very fun guy. He's very funny. He could make a joke that any age from 5-100 could laugh at and always make you happy. He's very mature, Never seen him break a rule or disrespect anyone. Never had a problem with him and I havn't seen him ever argue with an admin, member, or a non-member in our community of Jailbreak. He's also a nutritious fruit which always help and I always do love a little bit of lemon myself.


    TL;DR- Active and mature and always there to help out staff and members out. No reason to not accept him back in.



    D: +1 +1 +1

  5. I don't really want to be rude but Apple you have come far with the CSS Div. You've been in so much in with the clan, but I don't think this is your clan. We all make jokes that may be to much for you. Although we may be immature for making these jokes, you're just to young and I don't think you would last long in this community. You're voice annoys 80% of the members and you're just really annoying overall. You're young and you break rules. I remember long ago you were told to not use your mic, and you constantly kept using it. This was of course before I was in xG. However that was a long time ago, your a tad bit more mature than for mic usage but not mature enough for xG. I'm sorry it didn't work out. If you wait another a year or two if xG survives that long, then you should repost if you really think you have matured during those years.

    TL;DR-Annoying, Wouldn't fit as an xG member, Breaks rules and not mature at all. -1



    I don't know how to put it in any other way :/ Sorry

  6. I havn't been on servers for a few days now because I am taking a break but before I have left I have seen you on quite a lot and I believe you would make a great addition to xenoGamers. I don't have anything bad about you, I've seen you on a lot, Never seen you disrespect and never break any rules. Before I decide to +1 or -1 or +0 You should decide to get teamspeak. Our Channel is voice.xenogamers.com and it will help other members and staff to get to know you better. Regards to teamspeak, You're pretty funny and a fun to rebel with. Very Mature and I think that's rather the most important thing I look in a member or player in our servers. I hope you become one of our good members people can rely on and I can hopefully see big things from you.


    TL-DR Very active and fun to play with and knows rules, always a person you can talk to while having fun.



    D: +1

  7. Hi Aislynn, My name is RainbowDashie and I am a css div Moderator. Like all of our staff we expect good from you and we look forward to meeting new people to have fun and talk with. If you have any problems, contact our staff and make sure you have fun on our servers, Hope you enjoy xenoGamers!

  8. Hi Noise, I am RainbowDashie and I look forward to playing with you on Counter Strike - Source Jailbreak or Minigames. I am a Moderator in the css: div and If you need any help whether regards to being server rules or needing help at all, make sure you talk to our staff on the servers.


    A great way to get known to other members and staff is teamspeak. Teamspeak is where you can talk to most xenoGamers members and staff when playing on the servers or just wanting to talk. Our teamspeak Channel being voice.xenogamers.com.


    Server Rules. If you need to feel you're lacking the responsibility to know our rules and you want to catch up on them to become a better member and player on our servers, then type !motd on normal chat while being on our servers. If you need to contact staff type @ (message) in team chat to send a message to our fellow moderators and admins.


    Make sure you know that real disrespect is not allowed on our servers because it has been a big problem lately and we're all just trying to have fun! I will hopefully see you around on our servers and I hope you're one of those people that we can look forward to talking to with!


  9. Hi Jenny, My name is RainbowDashie. A Mod in the Css:Div. You won't see me around for another five days because I'm taking a break from Css. I hope you enjoy your stay here at xenoGamers as well as everyone else. If you have any questions about (Rules, Staff, Forums, etc.) Please ask any of the staff that are on the server you're playing on.


    Teamspeak. You should start getting on teamspeak on our channel which is voice.xenogamers.com. Teamspeak is a great way for you to get known and its all about having fun and getting to know our members.


    If you're in servers and you need to talk to staff. Type @ (message to staff) in the teamchat which you should your U key. If you wish to start reading the rules, make you type !motd in normal chat (Y key) while being on servers to read the rules.


    Make sure you post some of your ideas on the forums and when you think people like you and know you enough, you can sign up to be in xG. By Click Forums at the top of the webpage and then scrolling all the way down to Member Management. Thank you for playing on our servers and talking on our forums. Remember its all about having fun, so please Enjoy!

  10. Hi Jenny, My name is RainbowDashie. A Mod in the Css:Div. You won't see me around for another five days because I'm taking a break from Css. I hope you enjoy your stay here at xenoGamers as well as everyone else. If you have any questions about (Rules, Staff, Forums, etc.) Please ask any of the staff that are on the server you're playing on.


    Teamspeak. You should start getting on teamspeak on our channel which is voice.xenogamers.com. Teamspeak is a great way for you to get known and its all about having fun and getting to know our members

  11. Hello Love! My name is RainbowDashie on steam and I am a Moderator on the Cs:s Div also. I look forward to either being CT with you or rebeling against the meanie CTs. I also watch My little pony Friendship is magic like Kirito and Celestia. I hope you enjoy your stay on the xG servers and I hope you get to make a lot of friends in the xG Community! If you ever need help make sure to ask any staff on the servers and make sure you have fun! Hope to see you around!

  12. Rainbows, Everything in Rainbow Color

    3D words saying xG M RainbowDashie

    Background Rainbow color

    Words Rainbow Colord

    And for extra, Make sure is awesome and rainbow :D


    Tell me what ya like and what you want changed. [MEDIA=imgur]w0uKABB[/MEDIA]



    On the right part where its empty, can you put in this rainbow filly pony :D filly rainbow dahs - Google Search

  13. Rainbows, Everything in Rainbow Color

    3D words saying xG M RainbowDashie

    Background Rainbow color

    Words Rainbow Colord

    And for extra, Make sure is awesome and rainbow :D