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Posts posted by SonicRainbow

  1. In the Motd it says you can play simon says after fiveo'clock or after three orders,

    but if the three orders are before five, can you play simon says even though its not past five?

    So confused and I need help clearing it through my head


    Edit: Nvm im stupid lol

    People got me confusing thinking bout it, and it is and, not or so im good, no need to post here, would be best if it was *Closed?*

  2. Noticed this wasn't here before, so I assume it is your question. If so, then No, you are not allowed to play Simon Says before 5:00, even if you don't tarp for reasons stated above. After all, why would you want to play Simon Says before 5:00 if you can't tarp at all when it's a tarp game?


    I don't know im retarded

  3. I always had a question in mind that relates to Simon Says


    Are you aloud to play Simon says before 5 if you don't tarp*.

    You must only say "simon says" only orders though, so if you say "simon says you must do orders in two seconds" would that be Simon says, or can you not play simon says doing that but saying I call warden, out..until you get them unstack shoulder to shoulder where ever you are at, can you just do, all t's jump, all t's must do orders in three seconds after i say you must jump/crouch or something else.? So many questions someone please help, and i bet its going to be warrior cuz hes...warrior

  4. I have to say 0 for now because you have broke a few rules before but your really active and never seen you disrespect. If you re-read the Motd just once and call warden more I will decide to change to +1




    EDIT: D: +1

    Has improved in maturity, and also fun guy to talk with on teamspeak.

  5. 4. He's still camping a vent, the teleporter behind him.


    I lol'd at the last part, but it is true, the fact that he has an awp right next to a teleporter right behind him makes him teleport camping because well..its only 2 steps away from it, even though the t's are no where near the teleporter, it still is camping due to the fact that if the warden was dead, and the cts were autistic (like usual) a t could randomly go for that teleporter (I have no idea why, must be autistic too) The ct camping in that corner would probably kill him for trying to run into the teleporter before the freeday of warden being dead of 15 seconds of orders still standing of doing whatever.

  6. You have a lot of spirit shake and your almost on 24/7, all you need to improve is to follow the admin's decisions on something but you're a good warden and funny person to hang with. Also it would help if you didnt hold you mic button 24/7 too, but ive seen you improve over the weeks



    D: +1

  7. I know many will agree with me on this and maybe a lot of you wont agree with me.


    There should be a new rule where you can only do Fr/Lr only three times on a map.

    This game is over used and not a very good way to warden the ts. The warden is suppose to make sure everyone has fun on their time on jailbreak and doing Fr/Lr is a dumb game nobody likes and its so overused.


    Tell Rainbow your opinions on this! <3