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Posts posted by SonicRainbow

  1. It is after five and your a T. The warden says look at him at all times. Then the warden says to turn around and face somewhere else. If you do this then you will be killed, but also if you don't do this you should be kill too because you didn't follow the order. I don't get how your suppose to know which to do and which not to do because the order is to turn around but you're allowed to tarp. So basically if you do either of these actions, you're a rebel for not following orders or for following orders. I just wanted to make sure you guys know what this sounds like .-.

  2. Alright, since I don't really want to edit my last post, I am still -1 but for more reasons. Never seen you on teamspeak server, you have freekilled quite a few times and don't really understand the rules. Re-read Motd or read it for your first time. You're active on server which is good, and you call warden a lot which is also good but not that many people know you. You just need to talk to more of the xG members and staff before applying or nobody will +1 you because no one knows you.