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Posts posted by Enforcer

  1. Why are people being bitches over CSS mods/admins having powers in the CS:GO division? If chrono/nova/whoeverthefuckelse didn't want them to have powers, they would've changed it, but they didn't.


    If the rules are practically the same, shouldn't the CSGO staff be as good as CSS staff admining in CSGO JB ? It has pretty much always been that gun check freeze implies one step out and that's how everyone has regulated it.

  2. In all honesty, I don't think Chrono has been a bad DL for CSGO. Yes, he has made mistakes in not consulting DMs or admins on all changes and has not been the quickest to fix problems when they arise but that isn't enough to say let's get rid of him especially when he has been trying to improve the server for the players, not himself. Most of the regular JB players I have seen post only did so because they don't like Chrono and not because they had any real proof. If you just let your guard down a bit Chrono and talked over things a bit more you wouldn't have had this problem because all everyone else want is a chance to vote over things instead of there being no notice and things immediately approved and applied to rules.

  3. I'd probably say it was favourtism if some people have anti grav and others didn't because the warden is playing a game he knows that certain people will win. If everyone has it it's another matter but when you purposefully put people at a disadvantage or advantage, it's favouritism.

  4. I think any change from the LCT song is good but maybe not Beauty and the beat :) Maybe just have a monthly vote on what the song should be or if you can have a couple of songs on rotation, both are good.

  5. I haven't been on recently so I don't really know if things have changed or not but the main problem I can see is that most staff don't really go on at certain times (12-5/6pm GMT+0) mainly because most of the staff live in America or Canada. Maybe get some people that are active in the hours when most mods aren't on.

  6. Line, it's just like LQ death jump. He played it once or twice and the people that saw continued it and ever since playing on xG JB, not once did I see him play it which is why I was surprised but I may have easily missed it. If you're talking about my recent inactivity, it's because of my internet being down and not just being inactive. I think the backpack game should definitely be included because it's played so frequently, you just have to count on the people around you.

  7. I have never seen LQ or anyone ever play LQ Roulette so it's a bit of a suprise to me that it has his name in it. The games are fine but duck hunt needs to have a few more restrictions as to how many CTs can shoot and how far away they must be standing. There would have to be different rules for the HG map as the duck hunt there is played differently to how it would be on castle. Also, how would you tell whos mark was whos in knife race ?

  8. Nova might have made a mistake by acting slightly quickly in teamswapping and not asking why the T was shot but sometimes it is hard to hear and read chat when people are screaming down the Mic in game and in ts as well as spamming chat telling you to slay someone. Everyone makes mistakes now and then and when Nova does he gives himself a punishment worse than what he deserves.