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Posts posted by Enforcer

  1. People obviously don't see the point of this. It is not that he breaks rules etc. or I would have banned him. This is a "warning" about his overall attitude and his disrespect.


    This. Line, you definitely need to change your attitude towards everyone and stop disrespecting people which you do quite a lot, even if you don't think of it as disrespect. You didn't need to show us how long people who +1 you have played on CS:GO because it only takes a couple of minutes to see that you disrespect. Loosen up and remember it's a game.

  2. Do you own CS:S? Yes

    Have you ever played a scrim on our CS:S Scrim servers with a group of players? Yes

    Do you own CS:GO? Yes

    Would you be willing to play scrims on CS:GO if we had a server? Yes

    Would you try to get people to play scrims on CS:GO? (Without going in teamspeak channels and spamming "scrim?") Yes

  3. I think it is used way too much because every single person seems to do it now. It normally just results in people spamming chat saying they were freekilled because only the people who have already experienced it will look out for it in other commands which aren't aimed at them. It's alright now and then to thin numbers but it isn't fun when you just start playing a server and get killed in your cell before you even got chance to play some games.

  4. I've actually seen voltmaster on quite a lot, maybe some of you guys come on at different times to him so don't -1 him purely on the fact that you don't play at the same time. You do need to sort out the freeshooting and you should learn the rules a bit better so it's a 0 for now.

  5. Some people have already discussed a quiz or time limit you have to complete to become CT because anyone can come on CT and decide to freekill for many reasons. I think there should be some sort of system that allows CTs to choose their warden. For example, at the start of a round whoever wants to be warden types something like !warden before a certain time limit. A menu shows up on the CTs screen which lets them choose whoever they want for warden. Obviously there would be short time limits on being able to type !warden and select the warden so not 1 or 2 minutes are wasted selecting a warden. There is a problem with castleguard because 5 seconds into the game the cell doors are open. Alternatively, you could have quicken the method of selecting a warden by someone calling warden and 1/2 the team having to agree on the current CT being warden and if not they would have to pass. To be honest, it's not the people who drag rounds to the end that worry me, it's the people who delay so much at the start that it's a freeday everyday.

  6. It was @@Dravin who stood up. I agree with him to be honest because saying "get to..." is too vague and should override the crouching order as you aren't giving them a clear way to get there. This is easily averted if wardens just change "get to" to "crouch to". Simple as that.

  7. I agree with CornHippo, everyone makes mistakes and it takes a while to learn a servers rules. He only really made these mistakes when there were lots of players on which can be stressful with the amount of things going on at the same time (especially on Lego). I think Linkeg is a decent guy and should be accepted. +1

  8. To be honest, I've only recently started seeing you play CS:GO which could be because of the reason HighSociety stated. Even if that isn't true, you aren't involved or well known enough in the CS GO community to take up responsibility of moderator. If I was you, I would just play and get to know the guys before trying for mod as it will greatly increase your chances.

  9. There are a lot of people currently applying or trying to get mod for CS:GO but one of the people that I think really deserves moderator is Coodie. He is a great guy and is fun to play with on xG jailbreak. Coodie knows the rules really well and tries to help people whenever he can. I know he would be a good addition to the moderator team. +1

  10. Wow, what's with the masses of -1s ? It's not like he put this up so you guys could rate what he said. If you have a problem with a member randallsandals, just sort it out between you two or take it to the admins, simple as that.

  11. Admins have the right to kick or ban anyone if they believe you are doing something wrong. Why not tell everyone what was being said at the time so it becomes a bit clearer why you were kicked.


    EDIT: After what Chrono said, it looks pretty obvious that you were in the wrong and Chrono was right in doing what he had to,