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Everything posted by IUDesigns

  1. Thats one of those phone app things!
  2. Honestly, nothing is better than CS 1.6. Gameplay wise. GO is pretty advanced, but for that you can just get Black ops 2 (WITH ZOMBIES!)
  3. Matsi, I understand your point of view, However I also have to back some admins up as well. For example, if you were admin its hard to keep up with many things at once, since you have lots of stress and pressure on your back. I agree with you that sometimes admins don't make smart choices, however you also have to know that "Admins" Arent perfect Bots that take action for every wrongful act. Sometimes admins commit mistakes, or accidently do something that they have regret over. The public admin command thing should defiantly clear some things up though. In the end, I defiantly agree with the points you have stated.
  4. Thanks mate, progressively getting better. Still not at my best however.
  5. @highhthere.Wowww you had to bring him up didnt you? Now instead of the flu killing me, the thought of digital gone is even worse. THANKS AUBRI -1
  6. I honestly gotta say, each and every one of you deserved it. No honestly. I'm Serious. DO I LOOK LIKE IM KIDDING? Main point is, Congratulations to all and fuck off to rest of you (Bipolar)! +1
  7. All I can say is, Everything needs work. Nah on da real doe, you suck! Inb4 rape/ban/aids Keep up the work mate, thinking of shipping you here and taking you to America's Got Talent. (Unless you already live in America)
  8. Super Plus! This idea is extraordinary. Not but seriously if we get this implemented (might take coders) It could help reduce spam.
  9. When you say "HLDJ" Off for the rest of round due to the 5 off's Does this include Short clips + Music (Basically all of hldj). Or just Music spam.
  10. Hey guys, I just wanted to update some people on my presence. I got sick 4-5 Days ago, and that's why I haven't been active for a couple of days. Hopefully I can retain my activity soon and rebuild my immune system. This is just an update, I shall be more active as days progress, if I'm not, its because im trying to rest. Hopefully I did not catch the FLU.
  11. enjoy, Ill tell you in game what hat I would like.
  12. See, thats the part I was unsure of, lagging issues and crashing. However, you guys took the words out of my mouth. Makes the gaming experience more fun, and to be honest, this small mod can help the server grow to be full honestly. I haven't seen a JB server with this mod, so it would make us more popular and such. If, however, it does lag the server than we can just remove it. Maybe theres a smaller mod, same sort, that won't do much damage to the server?
  13. Exactly what I meant, but I've seen servers with it, that had no affect on the server, and did not make it lag.
  14. Digital you already know this, but honestly we've had good times and I Better see your ass when you get back matey. Stay safe, screw with guys, and follow wherever your heart takes you (Inspirational). Kinda pissed your leaving, but real life is defiantly more important than gaming.
  15. What do you mean, when people shoot a t or vise versa blood pours out (small amounts)
  16. Can T's tell other CT's where another T is, without the CT asking? Simply put, can T's Giveawy a position of another fellow T for LR, Or when Last CT activates? I feel like it's technically ghosting, but this is when both are live. It seems like its cheating. I just want clarifications so we know if someone deserves punishment, or if they're good.
  17. Well I was thinking for xG Jailbreak (CSS, or even CSGO) we could add a blood splatter mod that every time you shot a person blood would splatter. I'm not talking about the mods though that gush blood out, because that would be a distraction, just something small. Why do I think this is a good mod? It may be a small mod, but it just makes it fun for users playing and interesting. Many have requested it in the server so I thought I would bring it up.
  19. IUDesigns


    Was something else suppose to change other than the ranks
  20. IUDesigns

    A Little Help

    I may be supper late, but I would need some help if you could complete this format it would help a lot. Text: Colors: Any Theme In mind (Optional): @@McNeo
  21. Mods/Admins Please Close/Remove this topic. All of this was sorted out!
  22. Heres the christie one, The other one with your name I will privately give you
  23. -1 Because no one else knows this guy as well as I do. He's HORRIBLE! No But really +1 Definetly understands MOTD, Active, Has a picture of that old guy. Yea Sums it up!