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Posts posted by IUDesigns

  1. My next goal is to make new guard skins based on the gun classes





    -Forgot last one



    Also, what would be a breakthrough for our Jailbreak is to add perks to these seperate classes.


    -Medic can heal guards only like 40 hp with a shot or something

    -Sniper would get extra damage maybe? Or Exploding bullets.

    -Swat gets extra Armor (instead of 100, it would be like 150)



    This obviously needs to be thought over, but if completed it could put xG on top, and breakthrough of jailbreak inventions.


    But once again, I'm not sure how to give the 4 seperate guards different skins, because theres only 1 folder with it. The other guard folders are just their different faces, so the 1 folder with it gives all of them the same skin.

  2. What about the CT Skins? Are they gonna be the same?


    Yes, they will remain same because there is nothing wrong with them.


    Note guys, to completely change a skin we need 3D modeling.

  3. look good


    props to IUdesign


    could use a man like u in csgo div


    If Cs:GO and Cs:s skins are similar, I'll definetly look into making ones for that division aswell!


    and @@Echo Im sorry :/ I know you can make some kickass skins though.

  4. Cmon Obama you can't do this, atleast edit your first post with white text so we can all laugh? Errr you know its bad enough that members leave, but it's the good ones that really bringing this clan down. Good luck in future mate, and I def hope to see you in JB!

  5. Computer:












    Members Applicaations:



    Mod/Admin Apps:



    MS Paint:











  6. I did create a thread about the donator skin, which included all the others, but here is a Compressed overview of that thread. I added textures to regular terrorist skins to give it a more realistic look, instead of the flat 2d skins. This set of skins, if added, probably won't make much of a difference in bringing in new people. HOWEVER, it will put a stamp to xG, as everything is labeled.


    NOTE: The reason for these skins, WAS NOT to change them all, just to add a little detail and text to each.











    Spent LOTS of time correcting these, trying to make them as perfect as possible.

    @autumn hopefully these fit your standards -.-

  7. well seeing how these are pretty good and my idea of making each position for staff a different skin then I wont bother trying to make better ones cuz I'm too busy with school but good job IU I like them


    Getting approval from you is even better! Thanks a lot mate ;) Well then @@Duckii @autumn are we going to add these or what


    PS: going to make Div/Dm Skin a little redder.

  8. Sorry for all these postings, but it'll keep me a little organized.


    New CT Skins!




    Reason why I changed both was because, both had blue eyes and looked the same. So I added some spicy stuff and changed them, to give both a unique look.


    PS: I'm planning on adding Red Camo (very light) for the DM/DIv skin, and maybe a white outfit for the Co leader skin (Greyish white, no camo).

  9. this weekend ill see what i can put together but ill be making an PM/A, Mod,Admin, and DM ones so people can see who people are without having to read the tags in their names.

    You know that you can't assign PM/Mods-PA/Admin all seperate skins? They all fall under the same categories. Atleast I'm pretty sure, I might be wrong tho. But thats why I made Staff skins. Because PM/Mod have same commands, so basically same thing but diff tag.

  10. I bring this up in general because I think it good for all divisions. We should create some non-steamed servers to bring in more people. Yes I know, most of the time when Non-steam are brought up you have hackers, but thats why I say we install the voteban/votekick button and people can get rid of these hackers. I've seen many servers with this plugin that have a variety of people entering. Btw voteban could have like 5 people doing it, so it doesn't get abusive.


    We have nothing to lose? Many communities run on nonsteam/steamed servers! And they gain donations!

  11. I'm really loving the two staff skins you made, I gotta say they look pretty great to me. They are clearly different than the normal skins, but don't stand out to much and aren't outlandish. Good job man.


    Thanks a lot man, means much. But yea I didn't want to change the whole skin, still keep main components.