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Posts posted by IUDesigns

  1. Sexy but I would love to see a very clean logo! I mean when you look at most websites the logo is clean and very sharp, and above all: easy to read :)


    I have a 2d of this image, which would make it "Clean." But In my opinion, that would look very gay because it has no design element to it (Like the cyan cracks). Here it is:




  2. First eff, how much was your gf (including shipping, tax, and bonus charges)?

    Second, aint no body interested in seeing yo flat tits and ass!


    Boom bitch, get out the way!


    No seriously, have a good one matey. Sucks that you don't have time anymore.

  3. You guys are taking every rule too complicated. It's jailbreak, stick to one thing, don't have 3 different versions of that rule. Honestly how it use to be, is totally different now. Jailbreak is so literal now that it's starting to become real life and not a game.


    Ps: On most maps when a T comes out of their cell and sees no one else is out, he will go back in (unless he's too slow for a sniper)

  4. I love the colors but for the text itself I dont at all, First you can barely tell the x is actually a x so anyone besides people who know what the logo stands for will notice it so I would suggest making the x more visible as an X also at the top of the G there is like a random thing coming out of it but as nothing to do with the letter x or G so those are the things I would fix but I like the idea and concept I would just work with it more and maybe try drawing out a 2D version first then vector it out in illustrator then turn it into a 3D version but thats just how I would do it but good work so far

    I have a 2d of it, thats the only way possible of making it in 3d. I see what you mean about the X, but i think it adds a unique concept to it, and the thing on top of the G was a small flame. The reason why this logo is not proportional is because it's a logo. You got to make it out of the ordinar. This logo is to brand xG, whether it resembles xG or not.




    @@Loki Reason why its cracked is to give a unique characteristic. Gives it a Tech look (xg being a game community and all)

    And I agree with what you said about the 1st being too high, thats why I made second!



    Thanks guys for commenting and +1 's

  5. Do some stage like prisoners got talent but instead a stage with 3 buttons. Exactly like xfactor where each button buzzes out and if 2 out of 3 buzz out the stage drops the prisoner into a pit of death. (Put caution tape around the rectangle where it drops)

  6. those servers are lame, everyone plays jb because it's the best. not some shit replaying constantly with just new maps

    Lame? Scoutzknivez is the ish! JB is decreasing in popularity mate, and fast. You need other servers on the community to keep the rating up. xG for now, is only known for it's JB server and that alone isn't even in top 10 probably. We gotta step our game up with Every server, but its difficult to do that instantly.

  7. Valid point, but many people that have been in this clan, never apply because they didn't donate. However, yes, more moderators isn't as much of a bad thing (unless it gets too overboard). To make these mods useful we need to POPULATE Servers! (Not only jb!) Especially AWP/Scoutz! (And gungame n shit)

  8. When I'm warden I just usually say "All T's run and hide!" While the mass free killer starts killing. Either way its not a big deal, mainly because we have bigger problems to focus on. Mass freekillers come and go, not only targeting xG but every other Jailbreak server. It happens, its a game, your bound to get problems like this.