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Posts posted by IUDesigns

  1. Try making a model with prison stripes.

    If that was the donator model I would buy it.

    It might be quite popular on other servers but I have no idea because I haven't played on any other servers.




    If you can't tell already, this guy is in for rape.


    LOL dat white text, but yea I can do that, If I can't Ill just let you know (Even though HG has the admin skin like that, which still doesn't matter)







    New and improved Div+ Skin. New badge, (barely can see it but it says staff). Also the arm band is blue now. This will differiante the orange jumpsuit admin skin (which will also be changed to staff) because that one will have a yellow armband. So you know which is Div+ and which is Mod-Admin. Both will still say staff however.



    +EDIT: New donator skin!





    ONCE Again @autumn Please remove the donator skin from hub menu, this should be specifically purchased with like a package. Package would include -Special commands specically for donators (Colored chat text, specialized skin, other shit)


    THIS IS STILL NOT DONE, If this is done on my part, Echo still has to try to add a bandana or some shit. Also give me feedback on whether to keep the injury marks, or remove them. They might look fake now with the new color.

  2. Well I have figured out that we dont need to make all new skins, if anyone can find the basic skins they want we can just download them ourselves then edit them for xG like putting better admin,mod and etc. text on them


    Yea, I definetly agree lol. But I was thinking maybe we should go back to terrorist (leet model) skin but a orange jumpsuit. But anyways, I tihnk all we need the 3d program for is the bandana, and like another unique item for admins+


    Which do you like better: (Yellow or silver letters) I know the N and A mash up, already fixed that.


  3. Yes, I think I could I'll just have to play with it alittle when I can but I'm just using a third-party program to pull the skins out of my steam files then another one to export them into photoshop so you could make some of the designs and just send them to me and I could place them on the models


    I can edit them in photoshop too if you want (just makes the process a little bit easier) as far as that goes, I need to know whether to keep the same design (the xG on previous pictures) (the xG department state penintary) and the donator text, or should I change all of that. IF I do have to change it'd be nice if you guys provided me with ideas (color of text, position, all that good stuff)


    As for the other skins, we are going to change them aswell (Hopefully if echo gets the hang of the 3d program) so we have a new fresh skin database

  4. +1 However -1 to the hub idea. Will make TONS of confusion gameplay wise (if we get players from around the world). It should be regular plugin server.



    It would be nice, however, to add a gore mod (headshots only) and quake sounds (ultra kill, wicked sick). Once again this sometimes does not go well with Awp/Scoutz servers so It would be 50/50

  5. ok ok ok....everybody calm down i have figured a way out to pull the skins from the server already and edit them then those can replace the old files that easy....hopefully, so thats my update but im busy right with college so I'll work on it when im free


    Thats perfect mate, if you get this done we'll have epic models. (Do you think you can incorporate the bandanna or no? Also what program are you using? Maybe I can pitch in and help

    @@John thanks a lot mate, just trying to get things goin again


    Do we need a new logo for xG? (Not just xG as logo)


    I'll rework the G (in xG logo) and post a new pic of the skin.





    xg logo a little higher, made a new skinnier G (previous was to bulky)


  6. I think the xG part should be raised up on the back portion of the model. Not much clothing features a brand name or design on the lower part, it's mostly on the upper back.


    The "donator" portion should be something different, the tiger stripe design is conflicting and doesn't match at all with the other xG design.


    We want to also keep in mind that when people buy this model, we're assuming they want to look more unique then the other prisoners. So, I was thinking of a few additions you could Try to make. Something along the lines of this:


    - Bandana Mask (Don't know if something like this is possible or not, never edited models or anything) Of course you can go with just a solid color.



    - Different colored outfit? Maybe bring that Yellow jumpsuit back.


    I have to say, I do admire the tattooes. It's definitely something different. This is just my input on what could possibly be added or something, if it's not even remotely possible, just disregard my post.


    - Dat guy, Forest


    Thanks a lot for the feedback mate, I was thinking the SAME exact thing with the bandana. However you can only do that with a 3D program. I wish I could do that, cause honestly it would be sick. I would change the skin again, but it's not that good so we'll wait for coders or just keep the same ones :P

  7. Not trying to be mean, they're pretty bad. We need someone who is actually skilled in model making.


    Completely understandable, Hopefully we get coders or something.



    Last time:




    I wish I could model very well, but this is a first, so yea we def need coders.

  8. ok first off you can barely make out that the X and G also that horrible bevel and embossed text with ugly tiger stripe is horrible the tattoos look like a 2006 WWE game custom character and I almost had to find glasses to read the xG department text so atleast ask for advice or comments before assuming you deserve $$$$$$ for it or even that we should use it


    First off I was joking about the $$$, the skin isn't even mine, probably copyrighted (I revamped it). Second I think the tattoos were very nicely done, adds something extra. By all means, silence doesn't have to incorporate this, but I thought it would be nice to have an xG labeled skin, other than Vintage jailbreak. Also gotta comment, that injury near stomach looks fake, so I'm going to remove that. Thanks for feedback tho!



  9. Make it blend in, like how about, since it's a prison, like the prisoner got sliced up and he's got xG carved in his back in the ripped shirt :D



    You better like this...




    better get something in return ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)LEL

  10. I don't know how skilled you are with the program but the purpose of a donator skin is to stick out and be noticed. A small logo on the back and a even smaller one on the front would be great for xG members, but as a donator I'd think people would want something a little more flashy. Maybe a SWAT type skin, or robo cop, for a CT and a gang member or italian mob boss for terrorists. Once again I think you said you were new to all this so I dont expect much, thats just my input.


    The swat is already there, As for the donator T skin, reason behind that it's simple is because when your rebelling you dont want to be noticed. This is enough detail to give (the 4k credit) skin. My other idea was to actually remove the credit skin because it defeats the purpose of donating.

  11. @autumn tell me if you want to add this to server and ill give .vtf file

    New and improved, might even add new staff skins to replace the Admin one because Mods aren't admins lel.



    PS: I'll try adding tattoos on the head, so it looks more nice.





    Got any tips to make it better, I thought it didn't turn out bad.


    - - - Updated - - -



    Got any tips to make it better, I thought it didn't turn out bad.

  12. The buildwars server is up, if you thought it was taken down for some reason. In fact, as I'm typing this out, there's people on it right now. Here's the IP:


    No one is on it now........... People barely go on it anymore, its like dead.

  13. Instead of banning immediately, I suggest staff tell the person making the mistake in Private AND admin chat what they're doing wrong. And no I do not mean "Yo IU, READ MOTD (WEBSITE LINK)" I Mean "IU you cannot get in knifing distance of prisoners, please stay couple feet away, this is your only warning" Thats a bit too long, but a shortened version. That might get the ct to notice what he's doing wrong.

  14. Are we following this new rank thing (class 1, 2, 3) or just making skins 0.o Cuz if we follow the rank idea, all skins gotta be somewhat different from the ones currenty.