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Everything posted by Theneva

  1. Active on the servers, mature and friendly guy. - A:7/10 M:8/10 +1
  2. Please input your Steam ID under the proper format. It's format should look like STEAM_0:1:54162452(My ID for example). To find it, use your Steam community URL Here Steam ID Finder.
  3. Now I feel retarded, thanks mtown.
  4. That's intended. Too much citrus is a clever name, the gamemode is Orange Crits. So its 100% crits on orange maps.
  5. Well....Heh, I hadn't thought of it that way, cause I assumed that people used those commands for themselves......Has those things happened before? I'm sure it has happened sometime in the past, although I can't recall it happening somewhat recently. Although if it did people probably wouldn't be telling everyone about it.
  7. @@Stupercrossman https://xenogamers.com/threads/21278/ "Abusing is doing something for your own personal gain at the expense of the people in the server and doing things just because of your position." So to answer your question, if you make yourself as small as possible with resizeme and run around as a heavy killing people when they can barely see you then it would be abuse. If you colorize everyone in the server black and no one can tell who is on which team, it would be abuse.
  8. Please input your Steam ID under the proper format. It's format should look like STEAM_0:1:54162452(My ID for example). To find it, use your Steam community URL Here Steam ID Finder.
  9. It changes depending on who is viewing it.
  10. Does your tf2 freeze or what? Try going to your map files located in C:>Program File(x86 if on 64bit computer)>Steam>SteamApps>Common>Team fortress 2>tf>download>maps and deleting your files of ba_jail_hopjb_b5. Maybe a map reinstall will fix the issue.
  11. Please fix your Steam ID, you can find it at Steam ID Finder using your Steam community URL. It's format should look similar to STEAM_0:1:54162452(My ID for example).
  12. If there was Demo on CT it could cause quite a few accidental freekills. If you hit someone with a direct pipe there is splash damage so you may hit someone else. If you detonate a sticky and there's more then one person its gone hit them all. And if you miss a pipe and a roller detonates on a group of innocent Ts then it would be a lot of freekilling. All-in-all its probably better to keep Demo off CT.
  13. Thanks for everyone who +1'd my application, the support helped. I appreciate it.
  14. @@Priggles Gotta wait a 24 hours before being accepted, so this can't be approved until 3:41 PM this afternoon.
  15. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ⊱Aer!⊰ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54162452 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 15 Further Information: I left a month ago because a few close friends convinced me that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. I realised that I still have a lot of friends inside of xG and it was a bit lonely. I could write a long paragraph about this but I will refrain from doing so. I Appreciate both +1's and -1's. Please give a reason why your +1ing me if you are. Please tell me what I do badly as a person/player or what I can improve on if you are -1ing me.
  16. If anyone else would like to give their input or opinion then please do now. Other then that I believe the predicament has been taken care of. If @@MuffinMonster @@Canadia feel it fit to close this then they can.
  17. Sorry that I couldn't understand your piss-poor spelling and punctuation. I would like to hear some opinions from others. @@MuffinMonster @@Canadia
  18. If I was dead? It doesn't matter what it sounded like, you lacked the observation skills to hold tab and see I was alive, no matter what It sounded like or not I was not dead. The abuse factor here is what you don't seem to be getting. No matter the reasoning, you shouldn't have been teleporting me. Whether I was dead or alive, you shouldn't have been teleporting me. Also I'm not quite sure how I made a confusing statement to you? All I said was that I hadn't respawned, you should have thought of what I meant by it before you decided to teleport me based on what you understood it as. And what do you mean by I could've said no? I shouldn't have to. I don't need to tell you whether you can abuse on me or not, the answer should be clear whether you should abuse or not. If you can't see that, you probably shouldn't be a moderator.
  19. What? Whether I was dead or not you didn't have a right to tp me. Abuse is abuse.
  20. I know it is nothing to big, and I'm not expecting some kind of big punishment. Just making it known.
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 Staff Name: xG|M Docterlat Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30353281 Evidence: Steam Community :: Error Steam Community :: Error Further Information: I was playing on Pokémon trade as well as TeamSpeak with Docterlat and a few others. I was minding my own business and talking on TeamSpeak when Docterlat teleported me back to spawn (without my permission) when I was killing and having fun. He requested I include the conversations we had over TeamSpeak, I don't remember the exact things we discussed, but I can summarize it. When I confronted him as to why he teleported me he told me it was because of something I had said over TeamSpeak. If you have never played TF2 before you might have a difficult time understanding. I was speaking with someone else on TeamSpeak about an engineer camp and he told me that there was a teleporter, I said I had seen no teleporter and this is when Docterlat chimed in. He said it was obviously sitting outside of spawn(or something along those lines) and I told him I hadn't seen one sense I had not respawned. Apparently me saying that gives him the liberty to teleport me back to spawn when I was on the opposite side of the map doing things.
  22. Well, it was fun while it lasted but its time to take my leave. I'm not going out because I dislike someone or something, its just that xG has run its course for me. I tip my hat to everyone I knew in xG, it was a great experience to meet some great people. I will probably hop on teamspeak and play league sometimes, but I just want to take my internet life in a different direction, a less bland direction (y). No hard feelings to the people I met, even the ones I didn't like in xG. It was all a good experience. I'd give a long ass list of shoutouts, but theres only a few people I want to mention who are still in xG(all from tf2 div). @@MuffinMonster You were always the manager =3, and you do a good job with it. Try to keep tf2 div going! @@nebulastar1 You still need to marry me bbz. @@JoKer Stop smoking the weed, it will kill you :dead: x.x. @@African You sexy beast <3, still owe me that hearts team captain Mr. SuperAdmin. @@Korodon Love you babez, keep the rock rolling. That's all the people I can think to mention, maybe I will see some of you around. :duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr::duckiijr:
  23. You have your steam id in the wrong format. Go to Steam ID Finder with your steam profile URL and get your steam id from there. It should look something like STEAM_0:1:54162452(My steam id for example).