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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by xGStumpy

  1. +1 active, mature, knows rules
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you the guy who wore xG tags for like a month without actually being in xG?
  3. Gonna have to +1 for abuse because I've witnessed numerous incidents involving Matsi and pre-mature gagging/muting. As said many times before Matsi, you MUST warn someone beforehand.
  4. Your logic is so flawed that Im not sure where to begin. Not gonna go on arguing with you bud, but by your standards, I can percieve you to be trolling right now by telling me to die. Not sure if you were aware but trolling on the forums can lead to punishment. Seeing as it's honesty hour Kirito or Kyoko or whatever you fucking go by now, I guess ill go ahead and say I was never a fan of yours, thought you were a shit admin and was amazed that you managed to get that job in the first place. #Logic #FreeStumpy #HonestyHour
  5. For this thread lets say they are ok, just to keep it consistent
  6. Even if I didn't actually need a warning, It's still protocol as stated many times earlier. What I did to matsi was not trolling at all, I was expressing my dislike for him and furries in general. Maybe try and formulate your own ideas rather than reading through other peoples posts and basically rewording what they wrote. #Downy #Bandwagoner #WhoEvenAreYou? #FreeStumpy
  7. For the people saying I negatively represent xG, at the time this incident occurred, there were 4 people online. Myself, matsi, Snakeboyeric and someone else i forget who, It's not like any people quit playing xG servers because of disrespectful I was, and realistically if this occurred during the day when there were 20+ people on including staff members, I would have been gagged/kicked/banned way faster than I actually was.
  8. I've literally never played with you in any Cs;s servers before, and I can honestly say, when I disrespect someone, I'm usually kidding. Obviously when I was disrespecting Matsi, I wasn't really kidding around, but I've never really went off on him and disrespected him that hard.
  9. I was literally doing the same thing. I like to look through old ban protests and member submissions to see which ones were successful and which ones were not. I also tend to leave feedback, and your posts happen to be in some of the threads I was going through. Unfortunately, I could not bring myself to agree or like any of your posts, so most of the ratings I gave you were negative.
  10. Alright then your first post there bud didnt make sense at all really but I understand the message now. Also I really wouldnt consider what I did trolling, more just expressing my dislike of matsi
  11. You kinda contradicted yourself there bud. "all of a sudden" generally means its out of the blue, which is very rarely. Thanks for proving I'm not a constant rule breaker.
  12. -1 Lol dont know if youre serious about that or not but kicking someone out of a clan for not wearing clan tags is completely irrational.
  13. Not impersonating at all, LOL. As a joke, I threatened to ban someone for "lying". Also @@Hidingmaster the rating spam was instigated by cookie after she spammed me with negative ratings. Lastly, why do you assume my status post was about Matsi? For all you know, I could be talking about a my highschool principal, who can actually be refered to as an administrative staff member.
  14. u tryna get banned right now kid? ill go get matsi right now if i have to, nice disrespect
  15. #denied, haha maybe next time ill be more lucky
  16. +1 hes very active, knows the rules very well, and has been playing on the server for over a year now a:10 m:9
  17. Gonna go ahead and check off the no box, never heard of Rust lol :)
  18. Im not friends with minecrack adam or paulie. It's biased because you and matsi both have the same views on animal abuse, obviously you are going to agree with him Why would i take any of this seriously?
  19. edit: misspelled "far" with "fur" in the first sentence lol what a coincidence.
  20. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: new player3456 Steam ID: aaa Information: Was banned without warning for 1 week for "trolling/freekilling" by matsi, we were playfully jousting each other and apparently I went to fur by calling him a "furryfaggot" +4 times Appealing because I was not warned that I would be banned for a week if I continued my "trolling" as matsi called it. I was not trolling, just playfully jousting as friends do, but I get that it was hard for matsi to understand this form of humor as he does not have any friends. - Stumpy 11/24/11---01/18/2014 Banned by: Matsi. Also known as: Furfaggot2013, SquirrelLuver1998, Dogs4Life