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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Epix

  1. +1 A: 3/10 M: 8/10 Because populate JB and you sound like an overall decent human being.
  2. people kill my in i
  3. In people eat i sleep kill
  4. +1 A: 7/10 M: 9/10 Fun guy, really nice player, could get a little bit of a mic fix, but overall a great guy. Very forgiving warden.
  5. NICK N000000090I0I0I00O0O0O0O0O0
  6. Well, I'd never really seen it before, and I'm not sure why. Not too long ago people like Malware would do days in which we had to look at the ground, follow a path, and "follow the warden" to deathrun. That's the main reason why I messed up. Salatarium, the freeshots were part of a freeshot freeday, which LQ and nom also do when mods and admins are on, which is also why I assume it's allowed. Somebody please correct me if I'm incorrect because people do freeshot freedays and I see mods and admins saying it's okay so I think its okay. Also, donkey told me just as I began to shoot about the rule.
  7. Division: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name: xG| Epix Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41858694 Information: Well, apparently, I wasn't aware of one of the newer rules in which you are not allowed to tell T's to face a direction at all times then tell them to follow you, making them still face that direction. I "mass freekilled" upon this false assumption and went against this rule. It was one mistake that I usually don't freekill like this and it was a royal fuckup. I've been playing for a while and I always learn from my mistakes. I would like to have a shorter ban or a complete unban. Either is greatly appreciated. (Edit: I self-slayed and moved myself to T. I know that I broke a rule and freekilled.)
  8. you can be an asshole but i love you A: 9/10 M: 7/10 +1
  9. A: 6 M: 8 +1 No mic, but nice guy and knows the rules
  10. Very active, fun player, fun guy, knows rules very well, just needs to tweak his attitude a bit and he'll make a great mod +1 A: 9/10 M:9/10
  11. M 8.5/10 A 9/10 Great player, fun warden, not boring at all, and is very responsible +1
  12. As much as Nom's rude language is annoying sometimes, and he should probably tone it down just a bit, that's just his way of speaking. I've never seen him do anything that wrong that he didn't try to fix. Any rules he has broken when I was on he immediately apologized and did what was necessary. Nom's a good guy. -1
  13. Very active, nice, mature, and fun to play with +1
  14. +1 chill dude, active, knows rules
  15. Active, fun to play with, funny, and very good at slaying wardens. +1 A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  16. Epix


    Just because someone is very strict and moderates with extreme detail doesn't mean they are disrespecting or abusing. The fact that this thread is here is depressing. Line tarps hard, but he has hardly ever freekilled or done anything worth even a slay. Even when he does make that rare mistake, he fixes it himself. He absolutely never disrespects, talks basically only to warden, give opinion, and explain things to people. He is actually very helpful. The worst part is there are people who don't know Line just putting their votes in because they feel like he's as bad as a few people are saying. If people actually acquainted themselves with the rules well and knew to listen to line's orders carefully, there would be no problem. The only reason people think he disrespects is because he is very strict with the rules. So stop getting mad just because Line stands out because of his strictness, its a good thing and teachers players how to play the game better. If I were in xG, then I would -1 the hell out of this, because it just highlights what exaggerations people make up when they get mad.