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Everything posted by Epix

  1. Epix


    Because I'm afraid I'll get CT banned and as you can see, there is some clear disagreement on the rules.
  2. my feces smells
  3. Epix


    I don't think that's right though... Because if I say it in a different sentence altogether that's still not trying to get them killed, it's simply another way of phrasing "go". Or as Diabeetus says, "People just need to pay more attention and actually listen to the warden every once and a while...". I think that it's not for getting them killed, as I demonstrated when I repeated three whole times very clearly, but more for getting their attention. In addition, the definition of tarping for C:SS by the Updated MOTD in the forums, "Tarping: Giving orders that conflict eachother. Example: "Jumping is restricted, croutching is restricted, standing is restricted, wasd freeze, now all of you go to big cage or be killed". Tarping is ONLY allowed after 3 minutes and 3 orders have gone by." If this isn't correct, I'd make sure it's changed so people like me don't get confused. @@Forest
  4. Epix


    So today I got slayed on C:SS JB for so called tarping and I'm wondering for other people's input on the situation (or if any rules needed to be modified), as I was told I would be CT banned if I did it again. So here's the rundown: I called warden and began my out of cell rebel etc... Then I say the order "On go, take a step out and afk freeze, any repeats?" They call for a repeat, and I oblige, repeating exactly. After the repeat, I open the cells and no one steps out. What happens next is I say 3 times in a row the exact same thing clearly, and with no interruptions, "I advise all CT's to GO rebel hunting". I say this 3 times. Clearly. No one steps out and I say mistakenly, "kill until LR because no one stepped out". This is a mistake, but the conflict that ensued and the reason for my posting this is that I was slayed not for the "kill until LR" (which Gkoo told me is not allowed) but because of the fact this is "tarping" according to Ganja who told me he'd CT ban me for a day if I "tarped" again. So I'm wondering how this is a tarp. and if it isn't but people want it to be, maybe change a rule so tricky sentence phrasing shouldn't be allowed in such a manner? I don't want to get CT banned so I'm not gonna do it anymore, but I do think it isn't a tarp and should be allowed.
  5. Get on teamspeak and I can help @@Rhododendron
  6. you're a fucking faggot and i hate you +1 A: 9/10 M:9/10
  7. coke or pepsi? fanta.
  8. fuck off my story was great
  9. The cold wind slaps against my frail body as I struggle through the snow. A bitter cold bites at my skin. My long brown hair that was bundled up in my beanie unravels as the strong gusts peel it off my head. The beanie is lost to the wind as it flies away, becoming a speck in the distance, then gone. I tuck my hair into the back of my hoodie and carry on. I have to reach the cabin. That is where the prophecy foretold I would find my salvation, my reckoning. The oracle had told me of the cabin, a small single room in the middle of the forest. It was a beacon of hope for me, the last stop before my day of death. The oracle had found me before I had attempted suicide. She got me at just the right time. I was vulnerable, easy to reach. She pulled me down off of the ledge of the 20 story building and said to me "Samantha. I can help you. I know where you will find your life again." Those words spoke to me as a mission. As a quest to fulfill this old oracles prophecy. Now, it was a becoming a regrettable decision. I want to go on with my mission, but I don't know if I can continue much longer. I am beginning to doubt the oracle, but at the same time I am filled with hope that the oracle's magic words were true. As I trudge through the Alaskan snows, a darkness suddenly appears. Out of nowhere, I feel a shadow creep up from behind. It is a huge, large shadow, and it keeps growing. I muster my courage and turn around. Before me stands a tall and strong forest, which bellows with the wind. My heart races, and I begin to quicken my pace. I think out loud "You were right. Oracle don't fail me now." to no one in particular. I make my way through the forest. The trees are dark and heavy with brush, they create shadow and leave no space for light. I depend on touch to feel my way through the dark forest. I walk for what seems like hours before a light appears. All at once, it illuminates the entire forest. I smile. This is it. The oracle was truthful. I pat my hands down on my ski jacket and walk slowly to the light. As I reach closer to the source, I see a clearing. In the clearing, a circle of ash surrounds a cabin. The cabin is small, and has 2 hotel-like double doors. I walk slowly, as these are my last moments, the moments I would truly find myself. "Samantha Williams has a reason to live." I think, "Her reason is to get to this cabin." I have done it. As I approach the cabin doors, a shadow of a tall, slender human being wearing a suit appears behind the door. This does not discourage me, I have come too far and for too long to be stopped by fear. I walk right up to the doors and open both at once. The man behind the doors seems startled, his face a sort of surprise and anguish. I walk right past his pale, sickly looking body to the fireplace, where a table and two chairs are set up. There is a teapot and cups on the table, and the fire roars in the fireplace. It crackles as I step on the wooden floor, then sitting down on the small wooden chair, which creaks beneath my medium weight. The slender man closes the doors and very slowly walks down and sits right across from me. He refrains from eye contact and stares only at his hands, which are in a wringing motion. He appears cold and lonely. He pours himself some tea, and I see his hands shaking at the weight of the tea pot. He does not offer me any. I pour myself some tea and drink it. My thirst surprises the man, and to this he says to me, "So you have come this far Samantha?" "Yes." I reply. He looks at me quizzically and states "You are not ready. Go home." This angers me extremely. "What do you mean I'm not ready? I have waited so long for this day! You cannot do this!" Saliva spits out of my mouth and lands in his tea cup, still full. In my rage I do not notice this, and the suit man takes a long sip from his cup. When he only has a small dot of tea left in his cup, he looks at me with his cold eyes and says, "Yes I can." He smiles with an inhuman smile and puts the tip of his bony ring finger on the dot of tea. He does not break eye contact and puts the finger into the fire. This causes a spark to fly off of his finger and ignites the cabin. I jump up and scream "What the fuck?!" The man, still smiling, gets up calmly, and walks to the doors, blocking them with his arms. The cabin begins to flame up, smoke everywhere. I look outside a window at a glance and catch that the forest is burning as well. The ash ring around the cabin has been lit on fire as well, the entire outside is burning. The sounds of trees toppling and wood burning almost deafens me. I shout out "Get out of the way you weird fuck!" I charge at him, trying to break my way out of the doors, but his arms stop my momentum. I hear a pop. I bounce back, my shoulder is dislocated. I cry out in pain and charge again. This time he moves, and lets me run into the door. I hit my head, and become dazed. I look around from the floor. The cabin is falling apart, and through the door I see trees falling endlessly around me. The smell of smoke chokes me, making it impossible to breath. I struggle to get up, and come face to face with the man. He smiles a huge, long smile, and then turns to let me leave. As I walk to the door, my clothes catch fire. I try to put it out, but it is too fast and it runs up my hair, into the rest of my body. I scream in agony as I burn alive with the forest. I hobble to the door, but I am far too wounded to walk. I fall to my hands and knees, still burning like a tree, clawing my way to the exit, with the tall man still smiling from above me. He is not hurt in the least. I make it to the bottom of the door, my entire body feeling like an oven. I reach up for the doorknob, only to have my hand swatted away. I scream in pain once more while still hearing the sound of trees burning in the distance. The cabin has half collapsed now, the back of it completely destroyed. My body is giving way to the heat, I don't have long to live. He watches me desperately crawl to the doorknob again, still smiling that insane smile. I am fading in and out of consciousness, the burning ember within me completely decimating me. This time, he puts my hand away slowly and gently. He pushes open the door and I start fading in and out of consciousness as I drag my soon to be lifeless body out into the forest fire. I am almost completely out when I hear him from behind me. "It was my privilege." The fires fade out and all goes black.
  10. Chrono and I currently last 2 people for demoman shiettttt
  11. Thank god for @@HanYolo as new div leader
  12. In the Hong Kong Internet safe zone
  13. Fuck you made me think this was the real one too
  14. Meh. A lot of these game modes are based around long playtimes on a single server. Putting them on one server would make everything rushed and chaotic.
  15. Maybe I'm just retarder but I feel like disabling discombobulators for innocents on terror train and rooftops rather than making them traitorous would solve a lot of problems. Idk if this is possible or really reasonable but I'm really tired of bans and deaths from innos throwing discombobulators and causing massive problems and arguments.
  16. Holy shit 10/10 the louvre needs in on this shit
  17. 0- give docter a slap on the back of the head and a warning. Stupid reason to teleport but nothing big.
  18. Fucking Chinese mosquitos