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Posts posted by mtown81

  1. To shed some light, let me explain



    -steaming pantload, We could not compete with the other servers. Not because ours is not completed, but because GMOD is full of 11 year olds that want to only kill without consequences, Aero, they go onto Modified or any other CODERHIRE.COM server which provides nothing but the latest bought scripts from a website that only kills GMOD more and more everyday by riddling it with over used scripts and no servers with their own custom content.


    -I honestly would love to put it up, only to be saddened with the so light of how many people would actually play it. I have quite a busy sceduale and shoving me to populate a Gamemode to which their are a million of is quite difficult. The only way to populate a server that is just like the rest is to provide it with a medium amount of players for large ammounts of time, which for xG's length, would be 5 minutes of "HAHA RDMed Ya!! Wow I'm bored, who wants to go comp????!?!?" and that would be it.



    To which I have no consent to even write about it seeing as it isn't mine to write but going to anyways. Morbus is a dead gamemode, by dead I mean it isn't a popular gamemode anymore. It got old just like every gamemode does. There is only 7 servers of Morbus and I think only 2 are populated with not even half of its slots. That is because it is not a gamemode to keep playing over.. and over.. and OVER again because it is dull. The same steaming pantload happens over and over again. No variety, you can't make morbus better, it is a base gamemode.


    Anywho, that is my say of what is happening. If anyone has any questions please ask. TTT is the only gamemode worth saving. The rest should be thrown at wolves to eat, then the wolves would die of starvation because both gamemodes are steaming pantload.


    We want Skit.


    #FreeFuzz @Fuzz @SkitZoFrenzly. @TheBasedGod












  2. Half of this stuff would PROBABLY require silence to actually be on more than once a year, and even more so to give two flying shits about anything

    It's not like it matters anyway, most of these people have no clue about how much "abuse" goes on every HOUR in the entire server itself, counting both, non-admins AND admins

    imo keep everything the way it is, i'm waaaay too tired to be able to fully understand everything at the moment but i'll just say everything on my mind right now:


    don't start randomly enforcing that bs rule about "only one channel admin allowed", unless silence wants to make another channel rank that allows channel editing, except isn't literally considered as an "administrator", but that would be redundant.


    server kicks removed from non-server admins? WELL, then we would really need to start fixing permissions then, yes? (also pointing towards silence needing to be active and actually giving a steaming pantload) otherwise just leave it and let us kick annoying people. it also helps because it creates gaps between them constantly rejoining for various reasons, not as if it's extremely necessary, but makes things feel MUCH easier

    (not to mention half the time all the teamspeak admins are AFK, including right now as i'm writing this)

    this whole "nsfw avatar" thing is just a joke, pls no take seriousarino

    (if it wasn't a joke, then about 15 people [including narukami and i] that are active on the server would need to be warned about it)


    pls don't suddenly be "rule enforcers" and ruin a good-ish server, rabid and the others(?) were most likely just coming on to create some troll threads, have a few laughs, call us furries and/or weaboos and then be on their way back to their own teamspeak, as usual

    this entire thing started only when some people (HARDLY including rabid in this, due to trolly, non-seriousness) started caring about rules

    also, i know a small portion of this is already covered by what chrono said, but think of it our way..

    @Chrono @Forest @Forest @Forest @everyotherteamspeakadmin @everyotherrulehound


    so what you mean is to let @Fuzz to be able to join other channels? #freefuzz #kosheratyourdoor

  3. It is good nong shim i have the spicy variant and it is quite delicious.


    JORDANN get me my smokesssssssssssssssss go to 7-11 and get me some smokessssssss



    smoke smoke smoke

  4. HI how is swaziland? Is it dank? dank you niqqa.

    Hi mtown how is your shalom hi mom and hows your YAMAKA?

    @LQuidador @ruffmeow



    it is nice how is your egg and noodle?

  5. imo.. PROP HUNT AND MURDER (if ttt is fudgeed or too hard)

    sounds like a nice few gamemodes we can just come on and enjoy, we don't really need a full time gamemode since hardly any of us even log on gmod every week or so

    THE ship? THE ship? dino d-day? unturned? sniper elite? dino d-day? dino d-day? dino d-day? @Bleed @ThePenguin @DrLee



    we should have the TTT server and either a prop hunt or murder, or if we have 3 servers all 3.

  6. I'm fudgeing dying here, pls xg. You guys are a bunch of kids who find drama cause you're all bored and steaming pantload.


    -1 on unbanning him, but +1 on reducing the ban for a month. Fuzz does a lot of stupid steaming pantload but it shouldn't warrant a perm. Community members banned on TS is basically just kicking them out of the clan. Or maybe im just too Canadian; nice and lenient. Regardless, learn from your lovely neighbor Canadia. We da bes.



    P.S. we da bes, - sousei 2014


    we tacticool now leanin since 01'

  7. As I said earlier, you had done this earlier in another channel (warriors channel to be specific) he complained to me and so i warned you in a pm, telling you doing this again would result in at least a day ban. You did it again, bleed bans you for a week, and then you use proxies to join (ban evading) which calls for a perm ban. This would have been done for any repeat offenders such as yourself who insist on trolling and using proxies to rejoin after being banned


    There is not a rule regarding ban evading according to the Teamspeak Rules Thread, Public Teamspeak Rules | Xeno Gamers , so I don't know where you got "this calls for a perma ban" thing.

  8. I didn't troll or disrespect anyone though. i simply micspammed sanic. How is that disrespectful? Unless I offended you its not trolling or disrespect. Don't try to overlook the obvious situation. Its simple abuse of the mic.


    And a lot of people were mic spamming at the time.

  9. really? Do you really think the whole xenogamers community gives a steaming pantload that I spammed when all of you spam nonstop. I doubt I am a real "threat" to the sanctity of xenogamers for spamming fudgeing music. If you arnt buttbuddies with the owners obviously you're going to get steaming pantload on. Plus everyone in the community is fudgeing autistic as fudge, even me, so who really gives a steaming pantload? I doubt anyone. Plus I'm from the most unrecognized division of xG so what difference would it make if i was banned? Slim to none. Just add me to all your blacklists and I'll happily sit in my corner in the gmod div room.





    @cashmoneystudios @rektson @shalomhimom @supson @easierthanurmom


    Do that

