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Everything posted by ABusinessMan

  1. Yo thats fucked up guys shitpost x4 that hurts yo Im not even in xG my vote doesnt matter lmfao
  3. vamos a la playa
  4. I dont know who the fuck you think you are copying me nigga I WILL WRECK YOUR SHIT. GKOO.
  5. Pls close @@Forest pls the hate is too much.
  6. Ily but I already stated not asking for a demotion just bringing it to attention REQUEST FOR CLOSE YOU FAT FATTY @@Forest
  7. Oh and @@DarkWolf6052 and @@Kirito Say stay permed all you want, You don't understand how easy ts3 is to get unbanned from forcefully. I wont do it because I already have a bad rep in my favorite clan so.
  8. Not arguing with you but explain one instance in the last week Ive trolled? And don't say me calling you dook is trolling because it was one of your names at a time.
  9. Yea totaly not trolling here. Honestly i'm glad your permed. That means i don't have to hear your annoying ass trolling anymore. -1. Don't unban this kid. Major Troll. Alright, not gonna argue and disrespect you even though there is a fucking shouting in my head telling me too. I genuinely didn't understand. If you didn't know about me, Im czech and not many people in the CZ REP speak english MUCH LESS fluent english.
  10. I stopped trolling after my BusinessVxG Incident m8
  11. I read this 3 times and gave up can you word it easily for me Im foreign.
  12. I never gave a place or time and said out of cell rebel first. Did you announce that it was a Warday before cells were opened? Right as they opened yeah.
  13. Always provide a reason as to why someone is being team swapped, regardless if it's not worth your time. Businessman had a reasonable reaction to being team swapped out of the blue, and was upset about it. This is no reason to react in this way, even if he has a past history of trolling. Now, in regards to this whole fiasco, snakeboyeric is correct. If you did not give a time in which the Ts may leave their cells Before the cells were opened, then the Ts may leave their cells. Now I wouldn't say this warranted a team swap, unless general rule breaking was happening by businessman over the course of the rounds, in which case it would be a team ban. I never gave a place or time and said out of cell rebel first.
  14. I had a mic though not sure if that means anything but @@xShadowSpyx
  15. Excuse me, I dont recall disrespecting anyone today unless it was @@Forest when I gave a "forest is fat" freeday. I did disrespect you because you randomly changed me so. Also, Notice how I don't even ask for a demotion but you come in here and disrespect me? Thats low dude.
  16. Also when Informed of the report abuse his response was "Ahahahah, Its probably just that business kid"
  17. People who I remember being there @@Warriorsfury @@BaileyJay
  18. Division: Counter-Strike: Source Staff Name: xG:A $trychnine Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:23233907 Evidence: Evidence is in the attached files Further Information: I got warden on day one of a new map. I called out of cell rebel and said "We are going to have a first day warday" Cells opened and I never gave a place or expansion time so we killed some t's and after snakeboy said "You never gave an expansion time those were all massive tarps and freekills" Warrior corrected him and I made the warday outside after a bit when it was only me and G___L left I said "You're just jealous because you're bad" and snakeboy swapped me into T team. NOT ASKING FOR A DEMOTE BUT BRINGING THIS TO ATTENTION.
  19. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: lllllll Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44607152 Information: TOLD BY FOREST TO PUT AS CS:S DIVISION. REGARDING TO MY TS3 BAN. The Story: (DURING THE TIME OF MY TROLLING AND DISRESPECT AND MEMBERSHIP PROTEST) I had broke blacklist by darkwolf and he banned me for 1 day. Fast forward to a couple days later while I am blatantly disrespecting darkwolf through PM on ts3 and I was kicked (Im assuming darkwolf) I join Warriors room channel and "Aubri" starts going on about how I should respect people and she doesnt understand why I dont see the consequences. I told her to "Shut the fuck up and don't invite yourself into matters that dont concern you when you aren't even in xG" and then I was banned from ts3 for 7 days with the reason of "Trolling" by PinoyPsycho. At the end of the 7 days I try to join in, The same ban reason pops up but now Im permed. Not asking for an Immediate unban but maybe shortening it to a week?