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Everything posted by ABusinessMan

  1. I was and I did. I dunno I was upset with darkwolf for gagging me and muting me and at the time believing that it was abuse so I went on to "show my power i am god". And den look where I am at now gg busi
  3. Yo ban him he doesnt reply to my messages and Im going to cry @@Forest
  4. Yeah, being deprived of internet made me just troll hard idk why. I was banned from my favorite darkrp server for a bit too cause trollmaster7
  5. Fite me irl kid. U wont. :punch: Alright, Ill respond in your native british tongue, Oi m8 Ill wop u in the gabber m8 I swear on mi mums lyfe
  7. The bold text that I highlighted is something 100% true as I did admit to it multiple times that I knew something bad would happen, I was warned multiple times only in regard to spamming though. ( IM NOT STATING OR IMPLYING THAT I NEED MULTIPLE WARNINGS TO STOP MY TROLLING OR ITS UNFAIR) I do understand that a certain member in xG takes offense to pleb so after a bite more "hue mastur troll 9gag army" I stopped realizing I was acting my shoesize which happens to be my age. But again +1 to forest for being #tru
  8. Being 100% honest, when my ban request was made yeah my mindset "lol lets be mastur troll and troll hue so funny" but as I saw the membership protest I started thinking differently. I started understanding that Im a #childfag and I need to respect higher-ups and members that have been in a community. I guess it just took multiple members kicking me out of the community for it to finally get through my thick skull. I know nobody took my take on the situation on the member protest seriously as they thought I was just sucking up but yeah. Still not gonna lie I do understand the annoyance of spam now as I was playing on electric and Scuba and Jacob were spamming "Nigger and le/scoop face" over and over and it got to me as I couldn't type shit. ----- On a Side note---- Thank you for not flaming I honestly thought you would start flaming tybj
  9. Ty for being the first to start flaming. Not gonna argue with you buddy
  10. What I thought that happened was: I told aubri to stfu about matters that didn't pertain to her and then was banned. I did fuck with darkwolf a bit too much though. The steam thing I do remember and yeah that was me being a attention needy childfag #banthechildfags Pretty sure she was just commenting on your attitude. If you go by those terms then none of this really pertains to us. I hate to admit it but ownt
  11. What I thought that happened was: I told aubri to stfu about matters that didn't pertain to her and then was banned. I did fuck with darkwolf a bit too much though. The steam thing I do remember and yeah that was me being a attention needy childfag #banthechildfags
  12. Gonna go ahead and drop a couple names down on the floor yo @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@tree @@Forest @@Warriorsfury @@Matsi @@TurdWig @@MegaRobin @@xShadowSpyx @@SonicRainbow EVEN IF I DIDNT ADD YOU, AS LONG AS YOU PLAYED CS:S JB PRIOR TO MY REMOVAL FROM xG I URGE YOU TO GIVE FEEDBACK. --EDIT--- Yo shit I forgot my nigga @@MineCrack
  13. ABusinessMan


    NOT MEANT TO BE A FLAME WAR THREAD NOR WILL IT TURN INTO ONE. So I got a quick question for all of the CS:S division that has actually been in game with me. If you never played a game with prior to when my membership was revoked THIS THREAD IS NOT FOR YOU LEAVE. So, should I have been removed from xG because of my le/scoop face spam? Again, this only pertains to members/staff that have been in game on CS:S JB. I just want to know what you think about my removal (Not as though its a fucking end of the world lord jesus save us all type-of-thing) Please try to refrain from arguing in this thread as I am genuinely concerned about this as there are mixed opinions and I want to see them and Id rather not it get closed. @@DarkWolf6052 before you close it for spam/flame war let me at least try to make it work? Oh and answer the poll too, I even made choices for those of you that will answer yes because you hate me and im da biggest pheg ever. DO NOT TURN THIS INTO A FLAME/ARGUMENT THREAD. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
  14. Your kind isn't welcome here.
  16. Well you see, The reason people don't play is because @@tree takes up all the space because hes a fat fatty.
  17. @@DarkWolf6052 Just in case it didn;t make it through.
  18. Well since It's obvious I'm getting kicked out of xG you know this thread was coming. I'm also banned from Ts3 by the reason trolling when I'm telling darkwolf whats up. I WILL FINISH WITH MY TROLLING/DISRESPECT AFTER I CLEAR SOMETHINGS UP @DarkWolf6052 You are a shit DM. As I said before Multiple members of xG CSS division want you out. Nobody will say it because knowing you "1 month ban for disrespect" Learn to fucking be a better DM and stop being so fucking biased and letting a 14 year old use the word pleb to get the best of you. Fucking furry. xG CS:S division ily and I'll continue to be on after my ban is up #stillhere. But please do something about this little shitstain darkwolf. One fucking shitstain (Me) has been dealt with now deal with the other one please kthnx And my final rant is: I don't need you guys telling me about how I shouldn't expect repercussions when I disrespect or troll. You think I'm not expecting or ready for whats in store. No shit I am but its worth it. INB4 FORUM GETS TAKEN DOWN AND I GET FORUM BANNED FOR DISRESPECT/TROLLING/SPAMMING. xG CS:S the ones of you that don't like darkwolf or "Dont agree with how he runs things" pls stand up PLS /endrant Ily you all and bye bbys inb4 massive h8. ~BM the realest nigga livin.
  19. I'll start (5 songs) This first one is to an acoustic but still lyrical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ooo04KuwFo This next one is considered trap and its pretty #swag even though french and trinidad james are in it they still kill it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkHI1hGvWRY This third one is pretty different, If you haven't heard it due to all the swagfags throwing it around without knowing the meaning,Give it a listen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_71q5lVEjc This fourth one is pretty tight. Its one of the newer beats thats being thrown around as a freestyle beat. (Versace is some Rich white designer brand) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M4XaJYt6aI Final song. Its pretty ignorant but the beat,treble,and background music is amazing to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8ci2qi-Iys PLEASE POST IM RUNNING OUT OF RAP gbnbjbgjbgjklbsd ANYTHING PLS
  20. Do not understand how that instigates me telling to change his name But MORE POWER TO YOU BUDDY! IDK where anyone said you "told him to change his name" to that... but it's pretty clear you are both causing unneeded problems and you seem to be "working together" in your efforts to troll... lel to the maximum degree! Yeah we are working together its a conspiracy get trolled by the tr011 squ4d hueehueheue
  21. Do not understand how that instigates me telling to change his name But MORE POWER TO YOU BUDDY!
  22. Honestly mods/admins shouldnt let it get to 700+ entries in one day wrekt2hard4me
  23. One, at the most he would lose his xG membership. Two, who are you to even say that? I very much doubt he will change his attitude. He still has his friend Jacob or whatever the fuck his name is, coming on the server using the name PlebWolf6052 #FreeMyNiggaBusiness. Wow you really want me out to where your going to make lies are you? I didn't fucking ask or command him to change his name. He asks "How long are you banned for" Me: 1 "PlebWolf banned me for 1 week" He changed his name on his own accord. Also like tree said. We have set rules. You don't do what you want on your own accord. I didn't say anything about it because knowing you, You might let it go through your skull as disrespect.