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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. so how long exactly until the confirmation message is sent?
  2. come on the server right now! and come objectively. we're all having a good time right now.
  3. even so, cpl hojang and gwoash put me at 11. even after the non member vote and retracted +1 were uncounted.
  4. i got to ten so long ago...
  5. a "bronies are homos you suck" would have been fine once or twice, i would have laughed with him. but it was constant and he kept doing it.
  6. no the guy was just kind of a dick. all i did was put up a spray.
  7. i put up a spray with a pony on it. then "moosty is a faggot and sucks at tf2" "bronies suck at games and should just uninstall". for a solid thirty minutes. so i got a ten killstreak on JUST HIM and was a jerk to him about. he ragequits. gg. all was right with the world
  8. and i tell people not to medic me on lava giant. if i am going to kill (which i only really do on that map) i am going to do so with no advantages.
  9. I MADE FUN OF PEOPLE FOR GETTING KILLED BY A BRONY BECAUSE THEY WERE BEING ASSHOLES TO ME ABOUT BEING A BRONY!!! i guarantee you guys would have done the same thing after thirty minutes of constant "you are a faggot and suck at the game for liking this".
  10. playing on jailbreak now c:
  11. Whoa. Hold the phone. I would NEVER IN MY LIFE call some random child a "retard". I'm a disabilities advocate professionally and I would in no circumstance use that language in that way. I am always the one telling people to not use that language in the first place! Even if the offender is an administrator (cough @Vector cough #stillloveyou). If you think I would be anything but respectful to a child you don't know me. I am starting to think you have me confused with someone else.
  12. It's fine. I can handle criticism. I only ask for specifics so I can try and not send people this message of myself in the future. I need to know EXACTLY what I'm doing wrong if I want to change it effectively.
  13. And mittans has been using the tag for a while and vector said he was a full member when I asked him about it. Is it true he is not?
  14. What do you mean by talking down to people? If it's because I have items that are nice you obviously haven't seen me give multiple keys worth of stuff to people for no reason, which happens more than you think. And I am rude sometimes but never to people who weren't rude to me first. I ask you my first question again, how often do you play on trade gaming history?
  15. It's interesting how every person I've seen on the server every night on TGH and that knows me really well up votes me, but everyone I've only met a couple of times down votes me. Everyone who knows me says I'm a good guy. Saying I'm cocky or an "elitist" after meeting me once or twice isn't giving me a chance. The people who know me love me. If I have only ran into you once or twice then you are not informed Enough to make these kinds of assumptions. (I'm a political science major and calling me an elitist is kind of a #shotsfired thing to me, so I apologize if this came off as rude in anyway that was surely not my intent.
  16. Are you guys on the server often? The cockiness is usually in context or in response to certain people on the server bragging beforehand. I definitely don't act like that all the time. I can work on it a bit too though, yesterday was weird and I probably over did it.
  17. I wake up and only four to go! Thanks for the plus ones guys c:
  18. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Moosty Steam ID: Steam Community :: Moosty Banned: Yes Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 19 Further Information: was a multiple hour everyday player on Nintendo sixty fortress/trade gaming history from june 2013 to november 2013. was banned for about a month because of a misunderstanding but now i'm back and playing daily on the server again. I wanted to apply for xg before the ban but never got around to it. so yeah thats about it for that. I am also a competitive heavy and want perhaps a chance to try out for one of xg's teams. yes cool? yes cool. pic is to make you laugh. enjoy
  19. i figured as much, all the people on your server who made playing there fun have sought us out and joined of their own accord, i see no reason to pursue this unban any further, i do feel i must sincerely thank you guys for running a great server, ive spent hundreds of hours on there and met many great people, its been my favorite server in tf2 for months and months, so thank you guys for hosting and offering it, you will get no hard feelings or bad blood from me, stay golden Xg, and remember, no killing on the hill in clocktown, or in the nook :) haha. thank you guys for hosting a great server, i genuinely had fun, i wish you good luck on your end as well, Rhododendron can close this thread right up whenever he sees fit. we wont be bothering you with this unban request any further.
  20. i decided to create a new reply instead of an edit because a lot happened overnight. our server is now a reality. it is a public trade server with five maps as of right now (only one of which is shared with xg gaming history: minecraft realms, of which the download link can be found halfway down on the page on the first result when googling "tf2 trade maps" a five year old whose used the internet for two minutes could find it). two plugins are also shared: roll the dice and rock the vote, both free, open source, and easy to find, and in abundant use on tf2 servers everywhere. so i ask you, if we dont actively recruit, that just makes us admins on a non xg server that play on an xg server once in a while, whose own server uses two similar open source and abundant plugins and shares one map which could be found by a five year old. i see no grounds for a ban on the claim of copying your server. now this whole debate hinges on whether or not we actively recruit on your server, this is where it gets rocky, since we all met there, but we only invited those who we knew and loved, any random person who wanted to join or regular whom we didnt care for or trust was told no. if we were allowed back, this practice would continue. so i ask you, do you have any reason, and is it in your best interest to pursue this ban any further? our group grew by almost ten people last night and i have regulars from your server seeking me and the other ddgob admins out as i type this without being prompted telling me and the other admins that they are done with xg forever, remember, we did not actively ask for this or seek it, but when you banned us it was bound to happen anyway. the admins arent on enough to create a rapport with the constituents, we are. they go where we go because they are loyal to us, not to xg. banning us has already done more harm than good to your cause and kickstarted in force exactly what you were trying to prevent, people leaving your server for ours, so i ask you again, is pursuing this ban any further founded on any broken rules? and is it in the best interest of xg?