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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. +1 is there everyday and is cute a- 9 m-9
  2. +1 i see him like everyday and he is cool. would be great addition to clan a- 9 m-9
  3. Moosty


    getting travel and lodging paid to go to DC for a week for a policy and organizing training, advocacy meetings with the departments of education and labor, and advising my states representatives in the national legislature on the social model of disability and the concept of Neurodiversity writ large... so there's that fun and totally not interesting to anyone but me stuff.
  4. Moosty

    New Staff

    ^yeah, trade staff have been dropping out too yo.
  5. Watching the loiter squad real housewives episode with my cousin, the main point of this episode was calling out and slapping musty bitches. We go on omegle later and convince an Indian kid we are a black girl named "mustesha". Even later that night (after some drinks) my cousin and I watch game of thrones but are unable to finish the first season. My cousin proceeds to give me every game of thrones episode and his project 64 + game library. Naming the file "moostesha". He then bought me minecraft, but not before naming my profile "moostesha the bitch". I shortened it to Moosty and thus, a hero was born.
  6. Played with him last night during a most glorious night of jailbreak. User was funny and made the server better instead of worse. All of my possible +1. A- 8 M- 9
  7. If this happens it should be all of us together singing on a team speak channel. Recording yourself singing is way too awkward. And too much editing afterwards. I propose we pick a channel, time, and song and blow through this thing in one take.
  8. Also already tried uninstall/reinstall and turning my pc off and on again. No hope.
  9. so ive been playing jb #1 off and on today. had been on for a couple of hours on the same map. i hear a bunch of people joining teamspeak and i tab out to check. i tab back in take 1 step and tf2 crashes. now tf2 instantly crashes whenever i join. @Hachi is having the same problem, and it's an issue if one of the mods can't come on and do their job. does anyone know why this is happening? and how does it get fixed?
  10. I'm going to +1 for unban. He did get irritating but it's been a long time. He has had months to think about what he did and obviously owns up to it. If he screws up again he should definitely be permed. But he was an active trader and could actually be a successful part of the server if he has in fact changed. I vote we should unban for now. One more chance. I think he has the potential to be a positive force. I know what he did may have been too much but I'm open to his coming back. It has been a long time guys. Don't let the time gap cloud your judgement. I think he deserves one more shot.
  11. :c cya mayonnaise, we had some good times. come back soon plz. it won't be the same without you.
  12. +1 played with him late night on gaming history over the weekend, was a great time. 10/10 a-7 m-9
  13. "Stop camping our spawn Jessu Christ"
  14. +1 has been on gaming history forever, is a mega rad cool guy. A- 9 M- 9
  15. This seems to be happening so why not? well my name is Moosty, I am 19 years old and am a political science major that currently resides in Eugene, Oregon. My work politically is the only thing i have ever loved/ not sucked at. I specialize in the social model of disability and most of my work is neurodiversity related. since i can't work professionally until i have a degree I mostly do grassroots work at this point advising non profit organizations and parents alike on all facets of disability, but have been focusing mostly on accessible communication methods and accessibility for the disabled in internet/geek culture. My first big oppurtunity is this summer when i will be working one on one with representatives in DC on neurodiversity and autism related policy and how that policy can be implemented most effectively. That's enough of the boring stuff though, I first started playing on xenogamers "Nintendo Sixty Fortress" server in june/july of 2013. everyone there was an asshat and it was beautiful. everyone argued all the time and nobody got along or traded anything. it was incredible to watch so i kept coming back. then for a while the maps got really good and everybody's cycles were synchronised and the server was beautiful for like a four month period (except jamal, ok him too) before everything got bad again. we all kept coming back and acting like nothing was wrong though and so nothing was. and we have been mired in blissful ignorance ever since.waiting to not be bored. I play a lot of other games in addition to tf2 so if you want to play games with me lets do that. and remember, dont kill me i'm friendly, people who kill are chumps. #BringBackMorbias #RTVForANewAdventure #LongLiveMInecraftSkyloft
  16. +1 for yeh. nobody can tell anyone apart because their miscs just fall off. people can't see your loadout if you're selling things. it's been happening forever and everyone seems to just not care.
  17. +1 played with him yesterday. Was cool. A -8 M -8
  18. Moosty


    I am actually dropping all my classes this term because I need to get as ready as possible to prepare for my week in D.C. being trained in Neurodiversity advocacy and working in the capital building advising Oregon's legislators on the social model of disability. You know, just the usual political science major finals week stuff.
  19. TFW i've known what gender fluidity is since i was in first grade (the perks of living in a wonderland of dirty hippy types. read: "liberals"). falling outside the gender binary is cool yo. do you.
  20. +1 can't remember a time when terrorist sammich wasn't active. A- 9 M-8
  21. how do you earn a spot on the team?
  22. okay that makes sense. what about xG's team/s? is there an application or try out process? how does that work?