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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Really cool c: +1 A: 7/10 M: 9/10
  2. -1 Kinda annoying...but really active M: 3/10 A: 8/10
  3. I mean, you don't sign up for xG to get admin/mod. You sign up to be a member xD
  4. They only reason I asked if he croched is tht a lot of people will be like "admin the homing arrows/rockets aren't working" and I would be like "crouch to charge them lol" Another thing is that play points has run out, and aren't being friendly to our lovely VSH server. It hasn't been updated for so long and I don't think anyone is gunna come along and do it. I hope this is just a problem you're having, and I don't mean that in a rude way. If the perks start glitching up for everyone we're gunna have to kiss it bye bye. A lot of people will stop coming. Hale wouldn't be fun without the perks IMO. Maybe I can search around for a diff kind of perk system for @kbraszzz .
  5. Did you try crouching.
  6. again with the tagging and people I dont know...
  7. -1 likes to abuse donater..
  8. Haruka

    Muzzles mona pizza

    Thoes fucking eyebrows are for realsies
  9. Looks like you're gunna be stuck between 5,6 and 7 lol
  10. -1 Has an attitude that he needs to work on... M:7/10 A: 8/10
  11. It's time, to duel!
  12. Mama is gunna look for another job. Hopefully McDonalds likes me this time lol
    1. Goblin


      wtf McDonalds is shitty titty
  13. @Bach @kbraszzz User claimed to be 11. Please close.
  14. I love when you guys tag my in member subs of people I don't know
  15. +1 Nice guy c: late night trade is best trade A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  16. Woah woah hold up, Who do you think you are? You don't only have tags on, but you have staff tags on. Remove them immediately. (Or when ever you see this..)
  17. Plox remove tags u no in xG yett