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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Or @kbraszzz ... He has feelings too..
  2. Nice guy :D A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  3. This thread took a turn I didn't want it to take.
  4. Live long, in Henry
  5. Goblin is Bo Burnham confirmed.
  6. This a problem. Please nerf lol @kbraszzz @Bach Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot
  7. Are we gunna turn up on TS on Wednesday?
    1. Barmithian


      we turn up every day
    2. Moosty


      Im down ill be back by then
  8. I think the servers might be glitching. People who have been CT banned and have been long past expired have still haven't been able to join blu. @kbraszzz @Bach
  9. Haruka

    Tmi thread

    #TMI I'm still a virgin :C
  10. Haruka

    X the hedgehog

    Fun fact: I drew that picture :{
  11. Haruka


    So wait..are you going inactive or leaving? </3
  12. Haruka

    X the hedgehog

    I can do better. Hold on.
  13. @Bach @kbraszzz don't listen to him he's drunk
  14. Damn it, Andrew +1 A: 9/10 M: 10/10
  15. Someone let this kid in already </3 A: 6/10 M: 8/10 +1
  16. #girlpower </3 good luck out there
  17. @Bach @kbraszzz he's 13. close.
  18. @Bach @kbraszzz Sorry man, you gotta be 14+ to join :(
  19. #notmydivison BUT, you're not signing up for powers, sir. Just regular ol' member. If you can prove yourself worthy enough after you gain member, you can possibly get staff. Good luck. :3 Does gmod even have staff...