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Everything posted by Gorillabot3000

  1. Within the past week, my earbuds broke, my replacement-that-broke-the-day-I-unboxed-them earbuds broke, my mouse broke, and Windows 10 broke my mic. I'm also stuck at my aunt's while my mom's out in the middle of nowhere, so I'm not going to be playing much for a while. The mic and the mouse will be easy to replace when I get the time, but the mic is built into my computer, and Microsoft is being a bit slow at getting back to me on that. TL:DR Alot of shit is broken, and I'm not gonna be back until at least most of it is fixed or replaced. If anyone thinks they could give insight as to wat do with the mic, I made a thread in Tech Stuff: Why, Cortana? Why?
  2. Nah, it triggers my McDonald's induced PTSD.
  3. I'll be sure to do that right after deleting system 32 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  4. Cortana broke my mic.
  5. I'll have to edit it to be more accurate. A low quality steriotypical depiction of satan. You can barely hear what I'm saying. All you hear is my satanic humming. The souls of the damned in the background come in fine though. The shit quality, plus the fact that somebody may accuse me of using a voice changer, are pretty much all I'm bothered by.
  6. Upgraded to Windows 10. That blue naked bitch broke my mic. Now, whenever I talk, I sound like a low quality steriotypical dipiction of satan. Wat do? I'm currently about as glad she dies in Halo 4 as I am sad that Halo 4 existed. Update: I just found the camera app on Windows 10, and did a mic check with that. This time it didn't quite sound like satanic humming, but rather like a toy walkie talkie, or like the mic they used for the first season of Red vs Blue, except somewhat worse. For those who have played with me, did my mic sound that shit before Windows 10?
  7. +1 Active, mature, and 2cool4school m: 9/10 a: 8/10
  8. Server: All of them (donor perks) Bug or Suggestion?: Bug What is your bug/suggestion?: /vote isn't working properly. I'd type, for example, '/vote "Fight Merasmus" No Yes', but it would come out like this: Fight 1. Merasmus 2. No 3. Yes
  9. Server: Hale Bug or Suggestion?: Suggestion What is your bug/suggestion?: Remove triple bosses. If one person chooses the FNAF trio, for example, it forces 2 other people to be Chica or Foxy reguardless of whether or not they've chosen a boss via /ff2boss
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHvei5JNjcM I'm not sure which is worse... The running animation on the soldiers, the voice acting, or the fact that this video even exists...
  11. It's kinda hard to keep track of the rules when you have to sift through old posts to find out what is and isn't legal on TF2 servers. For example, when I ask whether or not resizeme commands are legal for killing, I always get a different response. This is including hands, head, torso, and body btw. If there is already a thread for it, shouldn't it be a sticky thread so that when somebody goes looking for it, they don't have to dig through old threads just to find it?
  12. Hello and welcome to CRAZY Gorilla's game emporium! Thanks to a shipping error, we are OVERSTOCKED (not really overstocked. It's only 2 games) with an EXTREME amount of 2 games! The choices are Payday 2 and MOTHERFUCKING Skyrim Legendary Edition!!! Payday 2 is 4 keys Skyrim is 8 I accept pure and item overpay. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!! If you purchase within the next 2 seconds of this being posted, you'll also get a FREE GENUINE NITROGEN ATOM!!! ORDER NOW!!!!1!111!!!( ͡° ͜ʖ!1 ͡°)!!!1!! Linkerino: Selling Games :: Team Fortress 2 Trading EDIT: SOLD
  13. I've been playing on Toshiba laptops for a couple of years and had no issues (well, except for occasional freezing on my last one that ironically died in a fire). In the end though, it really depends on how much you spend on one. This one has 12 gigabytes of ram, and a terrabyte of memory.
  14. Turns out that automatic updates disable portal websites, and I feel like an idiot.
  15. I just moved into a new hotel and just got a new potentially-kickass laptop. I was able to go online the first day, but at some point while I was watching cat videos, my computer just disconnected to the network. When it said that it was connected again, I started the browser again and got redirected to the login portal, except for one thing: the page wouldn't load. Chrome says ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED at the bottom. The only way to get the internet to work at all is to go back to a previous savestate, which kinda doesn't help when you realize that I wind up having the same issue the next day. My mom's computer had the same issue, but her fiance somehow fixed it just by running CCleaner (which didn't work when I tried it on mine). I tried talking to somebody at the front desk, and they knew about as much as me. The only site I can get to is oddly enough Youtube. Which would be a good thing, if it would let me watch the videos. Instead, all I can do is comment, assuming that it automatically signed me into Google +. IT'S BAD ENOUGH THAT I CAN'T USE THE INTERNET ON MY 3DS, BUT DO THEY REALLY HAVE TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO USE THE INTERNET ON MY COMPUTER TOO!?!?!? The only advice I've been given on this was either unhelpful, or in nerd language. If anyone can translate the ladder, link: windows 7 - Unable to view browser login screen at hotels and libraries - Super User Not sure if it would be the same, as this guy's running Windows 7 and I'm running 8.1, however hopefully this solution could work.
  16. I only just got a replacement laptop for my old 1 year old laptop last summer. My house became partially RIP in a fire. Specifically, right above my room. I still haven't scavenged the wreckage yet, but I did see through the shattered windows that the ceiling and soaked roof fell into my room, so I can almost conclude that my laptop's either crushed, soaked, burnt, or some combination of the 3. I'll start coming on again after I get a new laptop, unless through some sorcery the laptop survives or I just decide to kill myself.
  17. House just burnt down. FML... I mean, the place is still in tact, but there's a giant chunk of missing roof and celing above my room.
  18. Been somewhat inactive for a while due to playing new games and being in my school's play, but I plan on being more active after I'm done
    1. Gorillabot3000


      with it. The first actual showing of the play was today, so I should be done soon.
  19. Close, but no cigar. It has to be Fisher Price. Half the challange is finding a Fisher Price instrument that actually has enough keys to play through the fire and flames, and from what I've found most of them have at most 5 keys on them, although I can confirm that there exists a Fisher Price instument with enough keys.
  20. Searching for a Fisher Price Piano with enough keys to play Through the Fire and Flames
  21. I'm amazed that no-one has thought to do this yet, but if someone can do the instrumentals for Through the Fire and Flames on a Fisher Price piano, I will pay them 2 ref. Only the 1st person to do it, of course.