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Friend of xG
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Status Updates posted by FireWire

  1. All i see is nothing, nothing can make this day any better than nothing itself.
  2. Ambious, Nice, Attention-
  3. Can someone explain why stereotypes ruin society.
    1. Forest


      Because society creates stereotypes
  4. Cap'n Niggaswag Mc Beat Lee.
  5. Hey it's "The Asian Cockasian"
  6. How do i change my name?
  7. How do i change my name?
    1. Forest


      http://gyazo.com/4aa3d04485f6e18cf52eed8f0c415421 Click on 'Store'. "Change Username"
  8. I didn't ask to be here, They just hired me. Guess that guy at the olive garden lost his job, his wife, now I'm next, Damn, Life Sucks!
  9. I stocked up on Cheetos 2 months ago.
  10. Kid you better get off my ass <3 G4m3rW4nt5Y0urV1rg1nty1337
  11. Names: The Asian Sensation The Asian Assimilation The Asian Mae The Asian Criminalization The Asian Transportation The Asian Menstruation ( Post Your Fav's )
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fink


      The hispanic illegal immigrant lawn mowing man named Julio Juarez.
    3. MrJeeblez


      The Asian fag
    4. DrLee
  12. So i cant post messages?
  13. Wanna Quack? Go Duck Yourself You Simpleton!