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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by FireWire

  1. Name: IceSlice Map: Hightower Class: Soldier/Spy Soldier: Professional Killstreak Original ( Team Sheen Singularity, Massed Flies Armored Authority, Market Gardener, Rustic Paint Cockswains Mutton Chops, Kringle Collecton, Spy: Professional Sharp Dresser ( Villainous violet Fire Horns) Frenchman's Beret, Balaclavas painted Graybanns, Scenery: Soldier Must be looking confident, as if he just market gardener someone, a little devious smile, and must have his rocket launcher as a post where he sets his arm on it, and has one hand up saluting, also On the payload cart sitting down (Please Include my professional killstreak Effect) Scenery: Spy Sitting on a engis Dispenser (blu) Blood stained on his Hand, Smoking a Cigarette with his bloody hand (left) Right Hand relaxed by his leg. Must be by the cliff of hightower. ( Please Include Professional Killstreak effect) Thankyou <3
  2. Medi-Knight, Because hes german and he hates jews, plus i love making a Hitler Set, And Spy, cause buttsexs
  3. I stocked up on Cheetos 2 months ago.
  4. Names: The Asian Sensation The Asian Assimilation The Asian Mae The Asian Criminalization The Asian Transportation The Asian Menstruation ( Post Your Fav's )
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fink


      The hispanic illegal immigrant lawn mowing man named Julio Juarez.
    3. MrJeeblez


      The Asian fag
    4. DrLee
  5. Hey it's "The Asian Cockasian"
  6. Cap'n Niggaswag Mc Beat Lee.
  7. FireWire


    "A Level 21 Jewbasaur Approaches You" "What do You do?" "Americhu I CHOOSE YOU" "Americhu has detected Jewbasaur's Amulet coin" "Jewbasaur uses Money Whip" "Americhu dodges Jewbasaur's attack" "Americhu uses Sodomization" "Jewbasaur has died" "Professor Oak" "This Pokemon has not fully developed mature sphincters" "GG" [ Next Time On EthnicMon! ASIANS! ]
  8. Wanna Quack? Go Duck Yourself You Simpleton!
  9. "Niggas" is a two syllable word, I cant understand what that is, make it more clear, Danke Bby. @Maymalays
  10. Kid you better get off my ass <3 G4m3rW4nt5Y0urV1rg1nty1337
  11. Does jerking off count as a noise?
  12. All i see is nothing, nothing can make this day any better than nothing itself.
  13. Cant even find his steam id on google
  14. So i cant post messages?
  15. How do i change my name?
    1. Forest


      http://gyazo.com/4aa3d04485f6e18cf52eed8f0c415421 Click on 'Store'. "Change Username"
  16. How do i change my name?
  17. Can someone explain why stereotypes ruin society.
    1. Forest


      Because society creates stereotypes
  18. New to the group, Functioning pretty well, everyone seem's nice, i hope i can fit in. Leave tips below, on how to not "be an asshole" -Thank You
  19. I didn't ask to be here, They just hired me. Guess that guy at the olive garden lost his job, his wife, now I'm next, Damn, Life Sucks!
  20. Ambious, Nice, Attention-