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Everything posted by Tekk

  1. I personally would like to see a new trade server. Perhaps like the unusual trade, but instead an all trade server. That'd be pretty nice with a Spy Crab room and everything ^^
  2. You n- I was literally typing that but you beat me Shame, he seems like such a nice kid ;-;
  3. Tekk


    Rest in Pandas ;-; I like Pandas~! ^^
  4. It's a Pokémon themed server, so it seems pointless .-. It's like having a Legend of Zelda themed server and having the Walking Dead theme or something play in the background. It doesn't make sense :/
  5. "We really don't unban mass freekillers." - Kbraszzle Dazzle (In a closed thread ;-;) I don't see why this should be any different. Plus, I've had several reports on you and people asking me to come on and sort you out. Not to mention, the first time (?) you Mass Freekilled, as soon as I joined, you left the game. You're just lucky I couldn't ban you right there due to there being no evidence of it happening.
  6. It's on your profile, too I highly doubt that you made 2 mistakes :/
  7. -1 If you're gonna lie about your age, at least make it believable :/ And if you are 42 or whatever and still playing TF2 all day then you need to get a life and get married or whatever .-.
  8. You need 10 +1 vouches and upon recieving the 10th, you must wait 24 hours before either Bach and Kbraszzle Dazzle post the welcoming speech thingy with link to TeamSpeak and such.
  9. I said that cause he only specified DR, you know... I was just trying to be nice .-.
  10. That was a wonderful speech so I'm gonna go on Deathrun more
  11. Someone who plays Dr a lot just got promoted, so I'm sure that those problems will get sorted out ^^ Also have you tried typing !servers ? If not, you should and join our other servers!
  12. Promotions: TF2 GreyIgnis from Member to Moderator Diamonde from Member to Moderator Shockedeel from Member to Moderator Forge from Moderator to Administrator IbukiMioda/Tekage from Moderator to CakeMaster <3 Nuclear Dawn GAGANB from member to moderator Demotions: TF2 Charing from Moderator to Member (Inactive) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  13. Poor Ibuki didn't get Cake Master like KB promised ;-; Congrats everyone!
  14. Tekk

    America vs england

    I actually hate living in Britain... Please don't eat me @FoRgE ;-;
  15. We could boost the boss' health so that others get to do damage, too?
  16. Jesus Christ. People are getting so butthurt about opinions here
  17. After many votes, it has come to conclusion that xG is the definition of gay
  18. @Bach @kbraszzz Can we please just perm this guy already? He always mass freekills when no staff are on .-.
  19. He abused...? What happened?
  20. There's something inside me that feels, like breathing in Sulfur! ♫