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Everything posted by Tekk

  1. Very active and very friendly +1 A: 10 M: 9
  2. He seems like a nice guy but what were the reasons he were banned...?
  3. Well, what was he banned for? Vector's perm just says "Other"...
  4. Yes pl0x +1 A: 10 M: 9
  5. This has not changed my opinion on you at all. Good on ya for coming clean and you'll always be my good buddy, Dethman ^^
  6. Nooo :c Now Jailbreak will become JailRP because there won't be as many rebellions :c
  7. Unboxed a Professional Killstreak Rocket Launcher Kit with Fire Horns and Manndarin! :D
    1. Fwutters


      ^ like getting an aussie drop on second tour
  8. A) Don't start shit please B ) As far as I know it's free speech in both of your locations...
  9. Active everywhere :D +1 A: 10 M: 9
  10. I've never actually played a proper Kirby game, but yeah. I think I'll just stick to Fire Emblem @Colorparty And Swift, don't even bother saying "Advanced Wars master race" or any shit like that because that's not what the creators would want. Why would they want conflict?.-.
  11. You're in another clan, too Steam Community :: Group :: -W3E- TF2 War3Evolution!
  12. For the record, this is a member submission; you don't automatically get mod as soon as you join.
  13. Lately, Tekky has been having some problems with Team Fortress 2 randomly closing. He has tried reinstalling TF2, deleting specific folders, removed all of his custom stuff and so far no result. If, by any chance, I can't fix this, I will be inactive for a while. If anyone has any important information that could help me fix this problem, please tell me! Tagging people who need to know @kbraszzz @Bach Rest in Pandas @Tekage ....I like Pandas! ^^
  14. > Says that he doesn't want to start an argument > Attempts to carry on > Profit If you really wanna know why, it's because you're pretty much the reason why people are getting confused and wearing tags when they're not supposed to. This is literally the definition of stupidity. I'm out. Gonna listen to Gwoash.
  15. Fuck this. I'm done with this kid.
  16. Why, you ask? Because you vouched for him.
  17. You cannot vouch for anyone unless you are in and have been accepted into xG.
  18. Let me enlighten you: You're not allowed to vouch for someone unless you're in xG You're not allowed to wear the tags unless you're in xG If you want to be in xG, apply on the forums and get 10 +1. Then we will confirm that you are in. Got it? Simple.
  19. You did before and got banned for it, kiddo.
  20. How many times do we have to tell you!? Are you stupid? You're not a member of xG yet! Jesus Christ!
  21. You can't bring me down Already had my life turned upside down I ride a downward spiral round and round ♫