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Everything posted by NitNat

  1. All I'm seeing is Steven Universe hype everywhere.
    1. NitNat


      sadly I'm part of the hype
    2. Tomahawk


      the afternoon after I asked you some girl was like "GO WATCH STEVEN UNIVERSE"
    3. NitNat


      run and take cover.
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  2. Is it too late to wrap myself up like a baby and drop myself off at a billionaire's doorstep
    1. SireScumbo


      I do that every week, it's never too late.
    2. NitNat
  3. I don't want to sleep, but sleeping is so nice.
  4. Flying out from Florida to Colorado. What fun this will be.
    1. ChickenPanda


      I live in Colorado C: what part?
    2. NitNat


      Sorry for late response! But I'm in Denver
    3. ChickenPanda


      Oh nice. I'm about an hour south from there. c:
  5. "Too fat for Heaven or Hell" - @[106745:@Blizzard] 2015
  6. Congrats on the promo!!! O(≧▽≦)O
  7. 3 in the morning voice chats are the best.
  8. Thanksgiving is over. *Hears the faint sound of Christmas jingles in the background*
    1. SupremeWolf


      Damn... The fat ol' pervert is at it again.
  9. Is it me or suddenly a lot of people now have the "Lady" title in the Saxton Server
    1. SireScumbo


      Get with the times old man.
    2. Bone


      Don't be fooled, a lot are just man-ladies in disguise! Actually... I would get it myself for laughs, but something about "Lady Bone" just doesn't sound right...
    3. NitNat


      Lady Bone. That's just a perfect name.
  10. Do I like winter? HA. I moved to Florida for a reason.
    1. Bone


      I live in Texas. At certain times of the year we have our AC on in the day, and heaters on at night. It's as fun as it sounds
    2. DemonicDisaster
    3. FacepalmMute


      nice to see you take the downgrade so well
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  11. Got no where to be and nothing to do.
  12. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: NitNat Steam ID: Steam Community :: NitNat Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 15 Further Information: I in fact play on your servers daily and by far my favorite is the Saxton Hale one. I would like to be a member because I'm well known in some servers and since I play daily on my favorite xenogamer servers, it would be even better as a member.