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Posts posted by francisstephens

  1. i udnerstand the disrespect however reffering to my favorite form of entertainment as "chinses cartoons" is frankly upsetting and all of you involved should be ashamed of yourself. this is truly a sad display and not what xg is about. were supposed to post memes and have fun but instead the brits have ruined it by not understanding what we're about.


    please understand that any more posts will be removed and infraction will be placed on your account

  2. This is sad... you guys are trying to make fun of British people to get attention for yourselves, I don't see why you can't find something else to make fun of other than actual people, not to mention this is clearly racist which isn't allowed in xG :/


    excuse me sure I assure you there is no disrespect in this thread and it is disrespectful to say that there is because that implies i am not doing my job right. you have offended me and will now be filed an infraction.

  3. I just want to say this, you cannot bring me down or upset me cause I know that you're all just trying to upset me

    It's not working because I know you're all just ignorant people on the internet <3


    i am currently tracing the ip of these internet hacker trolls and we'll have them banned for you in a few minutes. these anti bronies will end thier reign today my brother. i am sorry about this inconvience especially since i know your sensitive in nature


    -ambassador or reddit

  4. What the meme did you just fricking say to me?


    excuse me sir, i am a gentleman and connoisseur of memes on the reddit dot com website, and this incorrect use of the word "meme" has forced me to ban you from the r/funny and r/AdvicePonies subreddit.


    have a great religion free day

  5. You don't know how to use google? Dumbass

    Excuse me sir, I am forced to report you to the reddit mods for advocating hatred of those with less than 100 IQ. Please no longer visit this website or there will be consequences.


    - moderator of r/mensrights

  6. Greetings fellow furries and video gamers. I highly suggest you British people form a sense of humor so you may too enjoy the funny memes over on the website, reddit.com. It has come to my attention that you do not enjoy anything because you are a member of religion, and only the enlightened such as an atheist as myself could truly understand humor. I'll be back in 20 minutes to check on this thread as I'm fresh out of Doritos and mountain dew.


    - moderator of /r/all