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Posts posted by DoubleW

  1. I tried to press tab to indent but that didn't work, so then I pressed enter (because me = dumb) and sent this before I could finish! I'll do it here then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Anyway... uhh... like... I don't know what else to put. The only reason is I use the servers (well, the one TF2 jailbreak sever) so much. Not that just using the serves is a free ticket to membership, but I'm ~60% sure Caleb956 knows who I am. He's cool and liked all around, so that (might) count for something. Again though, ~60%. <60% actually. You know how dumb I'd sound if Caleb was just like "dafuq is dis guy!?"

    And uh... um... huh. That's about it. Just that the letters 'xG' in that order with that specific capitalization just happens to be my 8th wonder of the world. Best of the 8 actually. 100% true. Also, I'm obviously really smart because I use percents a lot.


    This is so bad. I'm sorry. To everyone. Myself included. Mostly Caleb though.

  2. In-Game Name:


    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:


    Steam ID:



    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:

    Idk. A few hours a day, but idk my total time.



    Reasons for Joining:

    I play on this server too much. Like seriously, I missed a wedding and four funerals because I wanted to play some more crush game. Okay, maybe not. But, I did miss more than one dinner and possibly a lunch. It's sort of 11:36 P.M. right now, so I'll probably regret the way I worded this.