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Posts posted by SloppierKitty7

  1. I'm not familiar with the arch repo but the gentoo repo is pretty big, and its easy to add new repos or even make your own via Layman. Only really requires a little coding knowledge and you can turn anything into a package.


    On arch we have a package named debtap it let's you run .deb on arch instead of writing a build script is Layman the same thing

  2. gentoo

    Meh it's a rumor it takes like 30 minutes to setup. It's great since I hate using control panels but it offers that level of flexibility plus more.

    I may give it a go but I love the aur (arch user repository) is there something like that in gentoo

  3. I use Ubuntu for my personal network server/firewall :)


    It's named Serverus the Gatekeeper


    and has this for it's wallpaper/login screen:


    I did use Ubuntu for a server but I found debian had newer packages and it just a bit faster but it takes longer to setup I still use Ubuntu for testing but that's about it

  4. if you do use linux what distro and what desktop environments and what do you use it for. i like arch / debian with the gnome / openbox desktop i use debian for servers and for testing. I use arch for my desktop i dont have it installed right now as need to use windows for my job and i need a new HHD to install arch on

  5. I use Photoshop xD

    i also use Photoshop for some thing i left it out of my post because the tool's need updated to make more usable for new users i think they where updated in cc but i have to tested it yet

  6. for 3d Animation you can use SFM (source film maker) witch is free and is good if you want to use tf2 maps for backgrounds but getting custom models into it can be a bit of a pain but most of the tutorials of steam are pretty good for new users if you dont want you use sfm you can use MMD (MikuMikuDance) witch is also free and good for physics but it was made in japan so most of the tutorials are in Japaneses if you want to do 2d animation you can use adobe flash witch you need to pay for and it is very hard to use if you want a free 2d animation program there is Pencil 2D i have never used it but it look parity good its a lot like flash or you can use Synfig Studio with is the same as in i have not used it so i cant comment on it

  7. SloppierKitty7@Pixelisk Studios: you like boy's and you should change your name to gay

    SloppierKitty7@Pixelisk Studios: pie becas you like boys and thats gay

    xG:M Jpie has changed their name to xG:M Gaypie.

    xG:M Gaypie: Done




    SloppierKitty7@Pixelisk Studios: who are you looking fowerd to meting in hell

    xG:M Jpie: My Throne


    if you have had any chats like this pls tell me

  8. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:




    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active:

    1 Year



    Further Information:

    I like to play tf2, Payday 2 and Arma 3. My favourite song is Grillaz - Feel Good Inc. I know HTML, CSS, Lua, Js, a bit of PHP and a tiny bit of C#. I like anime and my favourite ones are Soul Eater, K-On!!, Kantai Collection and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. my friends are @Jpie112 @Diamonde and i'm from scotland