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About Moofi

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  1. Do these count as forum posts? I'm looking to run for moderator in the future and I still haven't figured it out.

    1. Aegean


      Status updates don't count ?

    2. Forest


      Responses to threads (posts) or submitting a thread count as forum posts. Just be mindful not to spam for them! Y'know, constructive posts as opposed to one-liners (though one-liners are fine in threads that aren't serious)

    3. Tekk


      You can still get promoted without applying for staff directly. Let a higherup know you're interested in getting staff (which is pretty obvious to the higherups anyway since you've posted this) and every 2 weeks, there is what we call a "promo demo" where some people are promoted, some demoted. Prove to staff and higherups in server that you are capable of the responsibility and you'll get it in no time. Good luck!