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Found 1475 results

  1. In-Game Name: Wolfx Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Wolfx Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: 7 hours a/day +++ Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: I have been on the server for less than a month 7 hours a day, A admin guided me to making membership for Xeno Gamers and I am here. I plan on being moderator someday to give the admins a rest but, won't happen for 2 years apparently.
  2. In-Game Name: 5¼ Floppy Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: Yes Steam ID: 76561198056791454 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: A month-+ Age: 24 Reasons for Joining: Hai, it's me, FLOPS, don't know what to say exactly, if I should introduce myself again or what, anyway, I was an xG member, I left the clan on 19 september 2015 because of an incident and because of work, about a month ago I got back to tf2, and as soon as I started playing, found myself on vsh and jb only, I felt the same excitement when I first discovered the comunity, well I guess that's it, I'm happy to see you again guys and I hope to be part of the clan again! The bearded overloard.
  3. In-Game Name: Follower Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Follower Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: Since January Ish Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I've been playing on the CSGO server's for a few months, the community is mostly friendly, and it seems a pretty nice place to be. Also, Bonk is better than me. Kappa.
  4. In-Game Name: The Nort Logic Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: The Nort Logic Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 150 hrs Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I have been playing on the xG servers for a long time. I don't know how many hours for sure, but the number above is a guess to how long. To be honest, it might be a little low. I started on TF2 JB around 2 years ago and the community has always been great. I now go on the TF2 servers quite often nowadays when I can get on, and i have made friends who are also xG. This is by far my favorite community, and I would do what is in my ability to make it even better than it is. I have also wanted to be apart of this community for a long time, about a year after I found the JB server. I have never wanted to be a part of a group until xG. That is why i want to be apart of xG.
  5. In-Game Name: PrincessLays Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Error princesslays Banned: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 3 months Age: 13 Reasons for Joining: I want to become a member of Xeno Gamers, because the community is just so nice, there isn't a single mod/admin that I've seen abuse their power in any way. Instead, they use the it to make the server better to play on. I've only been here for 3 months, but they have been the best 3 months i've spent on the game.
  6. In-Game Name: Wyverness / Noiverness Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: 76561198123746755 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 11 months about I took some breaks though Age: 22 Reasons for Joining: I play lots of games in my free time, some of which includes tf2, minecraft, gary's mod on occasion, League of legends and etc. I'm typically fun loving, casual, and most importantly a pleb. I try to improve my gameplay by facing people who are better than me so eventually I can learn from them. I tend to be sarcastic and a bit quirky. Most people may not know me but a few know me as the friendly pyro or ninjaneer. I don't really know what all I should put in here, but I suppose I should put a bit about how I try to follow the rules to the best of my knowledge. I would love to be a part of the community that is XG . ^-^
  7. In-Game Name: lush ʚ♥ɞ Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: lush ʚ♥ɞ Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 6 months Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: Haihai it's your favorite catgirl Lush~ I have a lot of friends here/mostly only play on xg servers and stuff and Bello/Blank/Supreme/Demonic/Other people wanted me to join so ??? ((my main reason for joining is because I love suffering.))
  8. In-Game Name: Excavator ™ Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139371519 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: Around 8 months or so. Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: There are multiple reasons that I have for wanting to join xG. One, is that I have been playing on the CS:GO jailbreak server for months now, and I have came to the decision, that I have finally become mature enough to become a member after my break from CS:GO. Another reason is, because I love the community and almost everyone in it. I have multiple friends inside of the community, and I believe that I could be a excellent addition. Around 4 months ago, I was obsessed with my scoreboard, and was a very immature player that would be rude to mainly anyway that I didn't like. After my 2 month break from CS:GO, I have found myself to be more mature and appropriate on the xG servers. Since I have very active, have been playing for a long time, and have become a more mature player, is why I am applying to join xG. Thank you for reading my application, have a good day.
  9. In-Game Name: Lazy Shifra Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Lazy Shifra Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 5 months Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: I like the servers, people are mostly kind on the server. Had alot of fun on xG so far.
  10. In-Game Name: Impulse Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:149951948 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: 152 hours Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: I have played JB for a while and i want to finaly join the community
  11. In-Game Name: Copper825 Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Copper: Your medical man. Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: About an 100 hours Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I enjoy all the XenoGamer's servers, so I decided to become an XenoGamer myself. I also want to guide others and make sure everyone has fun on your servers. Thank you for considering me as a fellow member.
  12. In-Game Name: Cinnamon Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97926711 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 2-4 hours per day, 100+ hours total on servers Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: I want to join because I really enjoy these servers and would like to help these servers become a more friendly, helping, and fun environment for everyone to enjoy!
  13. In-Game Name: Krunk-A-Doo Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Krunk-A-Doo Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 2 years Age: 15 Reasons for Joining: I've been playing on xG for a while so I thought I might as well be try to be a member
  14. In-Game Name: Sophia Weber Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:162432674 Banned: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: Since January of 2016 Age: 15 Reasons for Joining: I would like to join Xeno Gamers because it is an awesome community. There are ton of nice people and a bunch of fun games. I love the xG jailbreak server it is amazing. I would like to be part of this community to help make it better and keep it running well.
  15. In-Game Name: Randy Orton Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:66532010 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: About 5 months Age: 18 Reasons for Joining: I've really enjoyed playing on this server and I would like to become a member. I have had other applications that have not been passed, and have recieved 9 unique +1s in total on them.
  16. In-Game Name: ghostslayer Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:84872330 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 5 months Age: 14 Reasons for Joining: recently on the server mods and admins have not been on the server and people have been taking it as if they can do whatever they want like being racist and i tell them to stop or i would get a mod and they didnt believe me and continued to treat younger people like shit, i go on the server almost everyday and i really want to do something about this take this application as an example of people trying help. P.S it would mean alot if i could be a mod :)
  17. In-Game Name: BottomFraggingOP™ Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: BottomFraggingOP™ Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: A week Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: Great server. Majestic narwhal also convinced me to join!
  18. In-Game Name: dieZOMBI3S Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: dieZOMBI3S Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: 5pm - 12am Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: Seems like a great community with lots of friendly members
  19. In-Game Name: ✰ | Grunkle Squeaky Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: ✰ | Grunkle Squeaky Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 3 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes, and 52 seconds. Age: 13 Reasons for Joining: Alright, that number you see that's between 12 and 14 may shock you and make you want to -1 me already, but allow me to explain: When I've announced my real age to others before this application, the average responses are "how tf are you 13?" and "what? I thought you were 15-16", because of my voice and behavior, both of which I have been informed are much greater than expectations for an immature squeaker associated with being 13. Anyways, I would like to be accepted into xG because I am trying my hardest to mature further to become a moderator, so I can be another person to help when there's a mass freekiller on JB and neither Jaydow, Shadow, Bonk, Oden, or any of the other people in positions of power are online. In order to become a moderator, I must be a member first, and I hope that I can hop over this hurdle so I can help out fellow members and players of this community I've come to know and love.
  20. In-Game Name: gooblin Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: gooblin Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: Ive been playing on TF2 Xeno Servers forabout 3yrs Age: 15 Reasons for Joining: Ive been playing on the Xeno servers for a long time now and I havent gotten around to apply for being a member. I would love to just have lots of fun and be a part of the community more than I am already. Thank you lots for taking the time to read this. -gooblin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
  21. In-Game Name: Owen [spire] Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Owen [spire] Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: about 2 months Age: 15 Reasons for Joining: Not on ts, but I can be, I really enjoy the server, and want to be a part of it. I play almost everyday aand have a ton of fun, and want to be a part of the community!
  22. In-Game Name: sancock Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Sancock Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: I was 4 months actually i´m rank 5 in surf sv Age: 20 Reasons for Joining: i wish i could help to xenogamers Community and have fun :)
  23. In-Game Name: Bagel Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Ḅagel Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: 2 Years Age: 16 Reasons for Joining: I've been playing on the xG server for approx 2 years now. So I've finally decided I want to be a member. I pretty much play on every server, but I mostly play on Pokemon and Trade Gaming History.
  24. In-Game Name: beastboy Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155334018 Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: 3-4 Hours Age: 13 Reasons for Joining: I'm just on the serves so much I just wana help separate the bad people from people try to have fun.(don't want it to be css)
  25. In-Game Name: DoubleW Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: DoubleW Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: Idk. A few hours a day, but idk my total time. Age: 13 Reasons for Joining: I play on this server too much. Like seriously, I missed a wedding and four funerals because I wanted to play some more crush game. Okay, maybe not. But, I did miss more than one dinner and possibly a lunch. It's sort of 11:36 P.M. right now, so I'll probably regret the way I worded this.