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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. I don't know how I can apply my skills to this clan but I can find ways ;D I'm on the jailbreak server constantly so I finally thought "hell I like this clan and I'm friends with a nice portion of people on the server so why not apply for member ship instead of lurking on the forums?" No better time to do things but the present.
  2. I'm a nice guy and love playing TTT on the xG server. I'm on all the time!
  3. I <3 xG! Btw I meant to say I have 50+ hours of CS:S
  4. I would love to join xG and i mostly play Counter strike Source on steam thank you for your time and rock on xG!. -DMTrippin
  5. BUMP Also i have read your thread :https://edge4rx3.envolve.com/genping?iid=OC00975nT9DWAj and i cant make sense to it at all, i am very sorry. but i have read through it multiple times I am 16- warning i do have a high voice But i am not annoying, im not immature like some of the people you tend to find on CSS or any games
  6. Hey guys, its been over a year since I first left xG, and looking back at all the jailbreak memories i figured that I want to reapply. I've matured since then and am more down to earth. I just hope you guys give me a second chance to prove I'm a good guy :)
  7. Ok, my age has probably discouraged you, but trust me, I'm very mature for my age. I'm not "the little kid that is a squeaker and is annoying." Well, I have to admit, my voice isn't high, but not deep either. But anyways, I really like your jailbreak server. I know the "vouch" or whatever that is will probably mean I'm not going to make it into the clan, butit's a try. About my voice, it does crack a little so by about March my voice will get better. I'm pretty good at pissing off voice trolls, too.
  8. Just decided to join xG, hope will be accepted..
  9. hey i would really love to join the "Xg group" because it seems like a cool clan and also loyal, all you guys are mostly responsible and strict. please vouch for me and i will promise i wont be annoying or rude to other players and also admins. thanks ''] :pride:
  10. I've been in the XG surf server for probably a month now and probably for now on. So why not just become a member?
  11. I would sincerely like to join xG I have played on the servers for a quite a bit, I wasn't really sure if I should join or not. I would really like to be part of the community. I would be very happy if you would +1 me.
  12. I love this server and I'm on it basically almost every single day, I have wanted to join xG ever since I started playing on this server since the people in your server are very kind. I think I would make a good addition to xG! *EDIT* I think I messed up on the steam id part STEAM_ID: STEAM_0:0:51264025 or Steam Community :: sofa Kinda confused so I'll just put both just to make sure :D
  13. i am i good warden, i can help make sure know one breaks the rules, ive read the motd, an i would be a great addition to xG
  14. hi i would like tobecome part of xG because this is really the only server i play in on tf2 and i would love to be an admin thank you
  15. What is this for? Uhh let me join pl0x.
  16. i really want to be in [XG] couse i dont have a bad mik.So i am good so i really want to be [XG]:smug:
  17. thank you for considering me as a member *warden*
  18. I really love this server and would love to become a member on it.
  19. Hey guys! I've been coming on the jailbreak server for some time now it's pretty fun. All the xg members I've encountered so far are pretty funny/cool, so I figured I'd come check out the community. I've lurked around for a bit and came across the thought of possibly joining up with you guys . So ya guys tell me what you think about me joining xg.
  20. Hello, My name is Peter. In game name LemonDuckii. <3. I have been playing xG for a long time. I have never submit ed or made a account. I just made one maybe a while ago. I am 15, And I am a nice player. Never Curse or get in fights. I would like to become a xG member. I will be kind, And do whatever Admins, Mods, Etc. Ask me, As well as players. Thank you.
  21. Hey im Ninja, im a great sniper in cs go and tf2 as well as beinga great spy. im use to the game battles and matches. i can also be an admin on servers if needed. im an experienced admin on servers aswell as being an experienced moderator in forums and on twitch.tv streams.
  22. i like xG alot i have been playing on it for a while. i enjoy the server and how it is ran and the staff is very polite Thank you, Eden
  23. i am i good warden, i can help make sure know one breaks the rules, ive read the motd, an i would be a great addition to xG