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Found 1475 results

  1. So its all up to you guys. And sorry my steam ID is: STEAM_0:1:10629930
  2. Hi, I'm Goat. I have played on the xG servers long before hand, using usernames like Elevator, Almighty Elevator, Buccabear, and others. Now I wish to become an xG member as the community seems just as friendly as the Team Fortress 2 clan I was previously an admin of. I've read the MOTD, I've played warden on Jailbreak plenty of times, I've played mini-games often, and I've also had my hands at B-hop and Slide Race. Even better, I know a few xG members in real life, including Poncher and Super Narwhal. I hope to learn as a member of xG, and experience the thrill of being in a clan once again.
  3. Member Name:Sousei In-Game Name:Sousei Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:37854901 Age:16 Game Time:164 What Game?:GMOD Helpful Skills:Great at gagging and has an achievement of a huge cock Previously in xG?:No
  4. Hey guys just want to let you know i changed and i hope that youve seen that. So please give me a chance!!
  5. Hello, As you know i get screamer a lot on the server which means, I am on a lot i am a fun person 2 play on and love to join XG gaming. Yet i am young i know certain rules and read the motd. I am friends with mods so they know me and enjoy to play with me. I hope i get accepted though i am young doesn't mean i cant be a XG. I will do my best to be a player to XG and hope i can do whenever is needed.
  6. Well, i would like to join [xG] because i think its a cool, kind of gaming society. I have seen [xG]'s in Team Fortress 2 and their characteristics: Fair, gets the trades done, gives good deals, etc. These are the qualities of an honorable person. I have very similar qualities. I have played ALOT of Team Fortress 2. These people, these [xG] members have inspired me to become like them. They have been my role-model. Now, i hope to become an [xG] like them. I think its time for me to join Sincerely, Stupercrossman
  7. Hi Guys! I have been playing in the xG Jailbreak server for quite some time since I bought CS:GO. I find the server very fun to play in and a lot of people are friendly/nice enough for me to keep coming back. I have met a lot of xG members and regular players in the server as well. Some freekillers once in a while but I get over it since we have admins out there :) Give me a chance to be a part of a great organization in the CS:GO Community and you guys will not be sorry for giving me the opportunity to wear the xG tag! Thanks! ShenTrunks
  8. Edit: I feel I should add some detail. I feel I meet the requirements and I provide other benefits to the server. I'm available in peak times and off times, this is important because people tend to only listen to xG and at 4am when there aren't any members on people don't care about the rules and it goes to shit. I understand the rules and I do my best to enforce them and inform others in a clear and concise manner. I think that I am generally well received by both xG and normal members, I can't think of anyone I have severely wronged or offended. The main reason I am applying for xG is so I can more easily communicate with the community in game (people tend to listen to xG) and out of game (TS3). Being part of a large community of people with similar interests is always nice too. Also I attached a funny picture. Edit2: I realise I should stop posting at 3:30am when everyone is asleep.
  9. Hi everyone, My name is Yu Narukami, I was apart the community a while ago but decided to leave due to me finding a job that resulted in me being way too inactive....then got fired ._. So I am writing this App to reapply as a member for this wonderful community :D. So for the people who don't know me, My real name is Khan Ueskan, I can speak english and german and live in Germany and am also half Asian :D I've been playing on the xG Jailbreak server for some time now (Don't really remember anymore lol) and also started playing RPG-DM surf, Minigames, GO Minigames, GO Jailbreak, Team Fortress 2 and the Gmod TTT server. I am also active on Teamspeak and would Scrim if asked too. I can use Hammer and also helped develop Electric_Razer_v6 and v7_beta. I would say it was stupid to leave due to a job, but I think I learned not to jump the gun and next time if I do get a new job just to make due with being inactive on my work times and not just up and leave. Hope you wouldn't mind having me back ^_^
  10. Hey guys. Hopefully by now at least some of you recognize me. I got CS:S at the steam summer sale this july, and ive played jailbreak 99% of the time (at least 150 of those hours.) So um, yea. thats about it. I play as CT many times the game requires to auto switch people, and i rebel quite often as a T in jailbreak. Ive played on surf survers for a little while, but jailbreak is where most of my time has been spent. So yea. thats all. please consider me for joining xG?
  11. Hey guys! Just putting my application in. I really want to join and I hope you guys accept me. I've played Valve games for along time so I'm not a complete noob and I am fun. I have a mic but I live in Kentucky so I have an accent and get embarrassed lol. Anyways, hope to hear from you guys. Later! :adoration:
  12. I know all I do is bitch on the forums but I just miss understand sometimes i'm not so homo in game. Thanks!
  13. I would like to know if i could join XG and also will we be bringing up a dayz server? if so well that would be great since i have yet a perm server in dayz atm... Down with the Empire
  14. I know many of you guys are going to say that I shouldn't be in xG, but all I want is to help out. I can prove that I can. I have been helping my good friend Darkwolf has a co-mod. What that means is that I look for cts that are not following rules and I tell Darkwolf any mistakes. I have read the motd and I know the rules. I've been playing on xG servers for about 2-3 months now and I am happily to report that these are very fun to play on. I don't want to be on a server without being in the clan, I wan't to experience the whole things. I know many of the guys on jailbreak will say I am not mature enough, but I asure you, that I can be very trustworthy and mature of playing this. I have spent a few weeks just trying to get to where I am now, making an application. I just hope to find it in your hearts that you will let me join. I also want to apply for moderator later, but now is not the time for that. If people freekill, I report to the mods/admins straight away. I think I have what it takes to be in xG and I hope you agree. I don't like disrespecters and freekillers, and xG needs to do something about it. Thank you for your time, signing off -RainbowDashie.
  15. I have not played in the global offensive server for long. But I wanted to try to become a member because the hours I have played have been Immensely Fun. I know its not much but thank you for taking the time to read my post. -Edit- My Member name is Dtwonfire I thought it meant for for us to put our Name :D Thanks!
  16. The name is Grim, or Jake to start off thank you for taking the time to review my application. I've come here from Counter Strike:Source and would play on the jailbreak servers quite often, so I know my way around the block. I just recently got back into Counter Strike and plan on playing quite often, as I've been on very early in the morning, and very late at night. I'm a Jailbreak player, and a pretty damn good one as well if I do say so myself. I know the rules, help other players who don't know the rules understand them, and I'm on the server very early in the morning and very late at night. Also, I'm very friendly (unless you're an asshole) and try to do my best to make the Jailbreak server the best it can be regardless of being an admin or not.
  17. Hello All, It's me Nova again. Apparently I thought I had originally signed up for xG, the admin could not find my submission so I'm doing another (maybe I forgot to post new thread). I do apologize for wearing the xG tag. I have removed it until further notice. Anyways, aside from that, I've been very active on Jailbreak and I enjoy it very much, a lot of players have seen me on Jailbreak and hopefully I can interact with the community and players more. I've been hearing a lot of good things about xG as I was informed about it many times, I wish to take the opportunity to join but that depends on you! I leave the community to make the best decisions! Whatever the outcome maybe, I will gladly accept it as this is for the community and not one singular member. See you in the future! Ciao, Nova
  18. Hi KnightWing here and i'm just trying to get into this clan because of all its fun members i've encountered in my time playing on the servers, and i hope you guys take me in. :rolleyes-new:
  19. I would like to be in this clan because I play on the TTT server in Garry's mod frequently and would love to actually be a part of the clan. :D
  20. Well you may know me from JB (not that we can play right now v_v) Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:1884215
  21. Scub xG Application: Hey guys I'm Scub. I've been on your server for a couple of weeks (about 3) now, and have found it very enjoyable. So much that I'd love to join your clan. I have been around long enough to know the rules and am able (and have) helped noobs. I know how to be a warden and I know how to be a rebel. I'm a very active player and spend a great deal of time on your server (Because it's the best Jailbreak server). I have 154 hours logged into CS:GO currently. I've got great communication skills, am nice, and have a passion for Jailbreak. I'm chill with everybody, and always try to make the game run smoother. I help enforce the rules, and try my best to make sure they are followed. I look forward to possibly becoming an xG member. Thank you for your time and I look forward to playing with you on the xG Jailbreak server.
  22. I also play surf and some TF2 and played CSS jb when I had it.
  23. I'll start by saying first; please don't allow my age to reflect on the decision you may on my application. I feel myself as being a mature and responsible player and I would be honoured to join Xenogamers. I'm quite active on the server and pretty chill. I like talking to the other members although you may consider me quite new. I'm afraid I don't own a mic but I'm hoping to get one sooner or later. My voice isn't like a 10 year old and I don't act like one. I'm also currently working on a Jailbreak map for this server that I'm hoping you'll all enjoy. It will feature many of the minigames and aspects you love on a jailbreak map such as balanced cell items, fun games, realism yet some simplicity and much, much more. *EDIT: I forgot to mention, I do know the MOTD quite well and although I'm never a warden - when I am a CT I do follow the rules.* Thanks for reading the application, Peace, :victorious:
  24. Please note: I do have around 2,500 hours played of CS:S overall, however, I listed the playtime I have on my current account. My other hours I have logged on my TF2 idling account, as well as my first Steam account which had actually belonged to a friend of mine. Call me a no-life, you have all the reason to now :). I like to believe that I am semi-known on either the RPG surf server or the bhop server. Then again, I could be wrong. Edit: Oopsies, I appear to have messed up the format. I wasn't aware that there was a limit for each section, the 'Helpful Skills:' section is suppose to be similar to: I believe this is a kind of general question, so I'll answer it to my fullest capability. • I can keep my cool throughout almost any scenario, no matter how hard that troll is trying. If this isn't of relevance, I apologize. • As the previous bullet segwayed into, I'm easy to amuse and difficult to make angry. • I'm a horrible surfer and a decent bhopper. • I know my way around photoshop. Sorry if some of these things aren't what you were looking for in that section, wasn't sure on the exact context of said 'Skills' that were desired.
  25. so yea Towlie the wizard told me i should write this up and submit it... love you towlie <3 and I've been looking for a clan for a while now, so what the heck... i've donated once in the past 10 dollars-just a side note..