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Database Error

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Yesterday i was posting a reply with a quote and all. Then when i click"post quick reply" it said database error try again later. SO i had to wait 30 secs between the posts, and i waited 30 seconds between posts. It kept saying data base error, but after the third retry it redirected me. And i saw that i had accidentally posted the same thing 3 times. Now i tried delleteing the extras but i dont know how. And im bet people thought i was spamming, which i wasnt. So if you could tell me what i did wrong, what the database error was, how do i delete posts, and, @@McNeo im sorry for replying the same thing to you 3 times.



Everyone forgive me plz!!

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Spammer ban!


I got the same error too, but I knew the post worked cuz I'm special like that. Seems to have been an isolated incident.


And I don't think you can delete posts, only edit.

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When we posted in a thread yesterday it gave an error that the message wasn't posted, though it did in fact post, that's why he posted the same message 3 times.

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