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Community Game Night

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This may be late notice and everything and might not workout with people having to study for exams and stuff, but I feel that we should start doing things more as a community as a whole. I think a great to start that would be a Community Game Night where we all tried to get on a small free game or one of our servers and do fun things.


The first one will be tomorrow at 7pm EST on the Minigames server and @Link_ will be doing Credit Giveaways for winners of rounds and possibly other things. This is pretty much a big Operation: Populate Minigames, but with a little bit more notice and I hope that a good amount of people will show up. It's a fun and easy way to get credits and a fully populated minigames server is a FUN minigames server.


For the next one, I was thinking of doing a game night of Realm of the Mad God. Some of you may of heard of it, but if not that's fine. It's a free game on Steam with an extremely small download and the game is extremely fun if you have a good amount of friends. The servers don't really have a cap on the amount of people that can be in them and the game thrives off big groups of people working together. I think it would be a fun thing for xG to do. Future ones could possibly be a Terraria night where someone hosts a server. I know the games not free, but looking at my friends klist many of you have it anyways and if not it's relatively cheap.


So hopefully we can start making this a thing and if you have a game that's free and not that big of a file feel free to suggest. The best kinds of games would be ones with no caps on server amounts or if so a very large cap. We could do some special things on Minecraft if @@Deodate and @@Microsoft want to come up with something with special rewards or something of some kind. Maybe like a building contest to see who can build the best whatever thing in a certain amount of time or an adventure scavenger hunt. Whatever you guys want to do, but the main idea is that we are doing things as a community.


Like I said I hope this brings the community together more and lets people have more fun with more people.


I know this is a giant wall of text, but I thought it'd be fun if we started doing stuff together and if the fails... So be it. At least I tried I guess. I just don't like people leaving because "xG is boring" or "there is nothing to do" and I hope this curbstomps those kinds of ideas.


So @Link_ and I will be on Minigames tomorrow. We could either be circle jerking alone or create a massive xG orgy. Either way I'll have fun.


P.S.: Spread the Word.

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YO YO YO, I will try my best to make it. I will spread the word. We should do this every Saturday around 7 pm est. Like a new trend or something? @@silence @Link_ @RpgS

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