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Admin abuse by |M| *DEAD*

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Around 8:30/40 In the middle of a LastCT, I and another T were stuck in Isolation and could not get out. *DEAD* (Whitestar) slayed us both, without even telling us we were 'Camping' or giving any reason afterwards. We both complained and other users and admins did as well. The very next round FattyPooPoo was stuck in a cage for getting hit by a jump rope and was slain as well, again with no warning or explanation afterwards. *DEAD* refused to even accept that he did something wrong, much less slay himself or even apologize. He continued to be arrogant and up-tight, even towards other admins. Eventually I left and made an account, and am now here. Please check the records, even though I have nothing to prove it. He was insanely insolent, disregarding even the slightest criticism, even telling us to use vents to avoid being slain.

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He slayed a few people who were stuck in iso during last ct. It's not the T's responsibility to know or use the secret button to open iso - even if they know where it is. MOTD says that last ct needs to release t's.


I have a demo I will post here momentarily. It does not show Octagon's slay because I started recording shortly after, but you can see other slays and general argumentative behavior.


Here's a screenshot I got of Octa's slay, doesn't show much, but it's something...



Demo: http://xg.mcneo.me/hosting/demos/12-14-2012_2100_whitestar.dem


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octa listen u were in iso running around not asking anyone to let u out. I slayed other people to because i have seen other admins/mods do the same thing and first of all its their fault for getting themselves trapped in their. For example there was this guy who ran into the jump rope thing on last ct which teleported him to the iso thing. I thought well its his fault for getting himself in their so im going to slay the person and so i did. Octa u never notified us admins u were trapped and wanted to get out u were just running around in iso. U also said u didnt know where the secret button was to getting out of iso when u perfectly explained to this guy where it was. I told u that there was a button but i never told u where it was and im suprised if u did find it.

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Every admin on the server can give step by step instruction (with pictures and videos) where the secret buttons are, but it's still the last ct's responsibility to let them out.


Also, when you slayed Octa, was well before you gave any explanation of where the button is. Not to mention, as shown in the screenshot, you only told Octa AFTER slaying him that "There's a button" which isn't much of a help.

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Mcneo ive only seen mods/admins and even me let them out if it was like a jokeday and almost all of them were in iso then i would tell the last ct to let them out and i have slayed the last ct for killing the people stuck in iso on jokedays or such but the people i slayed got themselves stuck in their. Like i said there was a guy on last ct who went into jump rope and got himself stuck.

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1: I FOUND the button. Its easy to jump around in a small room until you find the button in the corner.

2: It's the LastCTs responsibility to open Iso for those trapped in it.

3: It's not camping if you can't leave, again, if you are trapped it is the LastCTs responsibility to open it for you.

Not to mention the fact that once you commited those wrongs you didn't even accept them AS wrongs. You just argued and treated others with contempt, for no reason, and never even explained WHY you slayed us. Just told us it was our responsibility to not camp. Never told us we WERE camping, even though we weren't.

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Mcneo ive only seen mods/admins and even me let them out if it was like a jokeday and almost all of them were in iso then i would tell the last ct to let them out and i have slayed the last ct for killing the people stuck in iso on jokedays or such but the people i slayed got themselves stuck in their. Like i said there was a guy on last ct who went into jump rope and got himself stuck.


Here's the JB MOTD: https://wiki.xenogamers.com/Jailbreak+Rules


Show me where it says "If it's not a jokeday then T's can be slayed if they are trapped in a location" otherwise you're whoel argument is invalid.

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the other people i slayed after octa got themselves stuck the second person got himself stuck in the jump rope jail the third 1 i told the last ct to open iso and he did and the guy wouldnt leave. Maybe i did freeslay i dont know i still think i ddint but if i did its 1 person and a lot of mods/admins have freeslayed

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Well...you have no proof (one of the requirements for even making a report). I went ahead a checked the chat logs to see what relevant data I could find. And yes, *DEAD* is whitestar.



*DEAD*: beat u were slayed because the door was open and u didnt exit therefor u are camping iso (8:59:25 PM)


3 people in the chat previously requested that Beat should be slain. Here, there seems to be a valid reason for slaying someone in iso.







Octagonapus: WHY WAS I SLAYED (8:40:48 PM; He mad)

*DEAD*: octa (8:40:48 PM)

*DEAD*: theres a button (8:40:52 PM)

*DEAD*: inside (8:40:52 PM)

Octagonapus: Vents/secrects do not count. Plus i didnt know (8:41:06 PM)

*DEAD*: u were still camping (8:41:16 PM)


This is shady. If it went down according to how chat implies, that was an invalid slay. The Last CT must let all trapped Ts out. Not everyone knows map secrets.







(after slaying another person, *DEAD* states his reasons. I'm combining chat messages (denoted by ellipses) since there are so many:)


*DEAD*: because ... its his fault ... for getting trapped ... (8:42:58 - 8:43:05 PM)

Octagonapus: Bullsiht (8:43:08 PM; admin disrespect. Another disrespected Whitestar also.)

*DEAD*: he ran into the thing ... its not stupid ... hes camping (8:43:15 - 8:43:23 PM)


If he ran into iso after Last CT activated, this would be valid. Overall, I'm at +0 on this report since there is no proof besides the chat logs. @@whitestar Nevermind, McNeo posted proof. If Whitestar slayed the Ts before Last CT was activated for being in iso/jumprope, then I would be at a plus-one. Not sure what happened though (didn't watch the demo yet).



Anyone wanting to have a closer look at the chat logs can check Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log .

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the other people i slayed after octa got themselves stuck the second person got himself stuck in the jump rope jail the third 1 i told the last ct to open iso and he did and the guy wouldnt leave. Maybe i did freeslay i dont know i still think i ddint but if i did its 1 person and a lot of mods/admins have freeslayed


The second one was actually PLAYING jump rope, and he lost, he didn't do it on purpose. I know this because I was spectating him. The third one is understandable, but for me, the LastCT never opened Iso or was even told that there was a button until AFTER I WAS SLAIN.


Edit: I said bull because, as stated, he DIDN'T purposefully do it. He was lying. Ergo, Bull. Also, He slayed us only a couple of seconds, 8 to 10, after lastCT started.

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the second one was on the jump rope thing but it wasnt spinning. it was standing still and he tried to jump over it and failed its his fault he got himself stuck

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I've never actually seen an admin slay for someone in iso. What I do commonly see is them use all chat to say "open iso". You were quite keen to use all chat to alert everyone that players were AFK, but couldn't use it to tell last ct to open iso?


Neither did I, of course, but you'll see in my demo that I was watching other things, not iso, so I was unaware that people were in there.

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