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Abraham Lincoln's Member Application

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I am re-applying for xG. Last time I didn't get in for reasons that I know now. I have been playing on xG servers since August. I have donated $20 in all to xG. I know many people in the xG community. I am on the CS:S everyday, and sometimes the minecraft server. So please leave a +1 or -1 and have a sexy day.-Abraham Lincoln

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m: 7/10

a: 9/10


Respectful to players, firm understanding of the rules, good CT.


Advice I would give you: Calm down with the bind spamming, don't argue about the little stuff on mic and waste 2 minutes of the round, and work on wardening skills (just comes with time).

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M: 7/10 (wish i could 6.5)

A: 8/10 (wish i could 8.5)

D: +1

Last time he applied, always spammed "YOLO" and "SWAG" and had quite an annoying voice, I'm starting to think that matured a bit, (others' might not think so), And has stopped spamming this shit. so yeah, Cool person, active, fun to play with.

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Despite what others say, I still find you frequently spamming your binds, as Mcneo stated you tend to argue over little things, and you are generally not fun to play with.

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I agree with the above statement. You have not matured and you still spam binds. Youre annoying and still not fun to play with. -1

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+1 Knows the rules, plays almost everyday from what I can tell. He's a really good bomber. could cool down on the yolos though :P I think maybe he could use just a tiny bit more maturity. But other than that he's a cool guy.


A:6 M:5

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I'm going to +1 for now, He isn't that bad, however in certain circumstances he tends to over do certain things. However, he is maturing and is quite active.

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0 for now. While you have shown definite improvement since your last app, you do need to hone some skills. You need to cool it down with the /me chat spamming, and your wardening skills could be better, just as McNeo said. You have potential to become a great member of xG, but until I see those areas improve, I'm staying at a 0.

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Alright look ill give you a +1 to be nice. but i think you spam way too much mic and you're very annoying at some times. you play a lot on the server and knows motd the only rule you break a re the mic ones.

A:10/10 it was 3 AM and he was still on.

M:6/10 Known mic spammer,annoying some times.

Good luck.

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+1 faggot loser no one likes him only 5 years old has no friends but he's cool


No really. He's pretty good at the game, and is a pleasure to have around. Makes my buttcheeks moist when I'm playing with him.


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a: 8.5

m: 5

+1 he has been playing for awhile and really wants to get into xG, though he can be very immature, he does it for the fun of it and he has certainly improved recently. he is a nice guy and i haven't seen him rage very hard. but this is from my experience. good luck Abraham!

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