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ATTN: NEW members and new teamspeak users

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If this is already somewhere else, feel free to remove this post.


The following is a step by step guide on how to register with the xenogamers teamspeak server.


Step 1: log into the XenoGamers website with your username and password.

Step 2: In the upper left corner (under the red menu and search area) click the XENO GAMERS TEAMSPEAK button.

OR go to this link: Teamspeak Server

Step 3: when that page loads look for the menu labled: TEAMSPEAK ACTIONS and click on generate token

Step 4: after the next page loads there will be info in the box next to the TEAMSPEAK ACTIONS menu. Copy your unique


Step 5: Open your TeamSpeak client and click CONNECTIONS and then click CONNECT. (this will open a smaller window)

For the server address box: voice.xenogamers.com(if you haven't been connected to the xg server before) THEN

look for a section called "One-time Privilege Key" and enter your unique code in the box. (you may need to

expand the window to see this area)

Step 6: Click connect and you are registered with TeamSpeak

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did you enter the same key for a different identity?


We solved the problem today. The issue was he hadn't connected before and was trying to register with the server address part blank.

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